Salary grows 10 percent last year for city staff

Salary grows 10 percent last year for city staff

SHANGHAI employees earned 29,569 yuan (US$3,820) on average last year, growing 10.2 percent from a year earlier, Oriental Morning Post reported today, citing the local statistics bureau.

Civil servants, employees of government institutes and company workers were all covered in the report, said Ye Weihong, an official of the Shanghai Labor and Social Security Bureau.

The before-tax income consists of salary, bonuses and subsidies, the report said.

The city is expected to raise the subsidy for elders and women as well as social security fund standard because these standards are based on the city’s average salary.

The city’s average salary has kept a growth of 10 percent in recent years, with yearly income reaching 26,820 yuan in 2005 and 24,396 yuan in 2004, the report said.