McDonald’s To Recruit 10,000 Employees In China In 2009

McDonald’s To Recruit 10,000 Employees In China In 2009

Despite the economic slowdown fast food giant McDonald’s has announced that based on its good performance in China, the company plans to recruit 10,000 new employees in the country, of which, 80% will be college graduates.

Kenneth Chan, the newly appointed CEO of McDonald’s China, told local media that talent is very important for the company’s continuous development in the Chinese market and recruitment is related to McDonald’s business expansion and the promotion of its 24-hour services.

Chan said China is one of the fastest growing markets for McDonald’s and the company’s comprehensive service models, including breakfast, 24-hour services, and dessert stations, in this market play important roles in adding income to the revenue of the restaurants. But it also means they need more employees to do this work. In fact, McDonald’s already started to select quality talents in 2008 and entered several famous Chinese universities, including Peking University, to attract their graduates.

In addition to the recruitment plan, McDonald’s launched a China leadership development plan for the first time to provide professional training to its talent management team and outlet expansion team to make preparation for its further expansion.