how returned overseas chinese viewed by locals?

how returned overseas chinese viewed by locals?

Post from

received a mail:

I’m a chinese girl who was born and raised in *** (an european country). I’m coming this *** to work in Shanghai, and I’d like to know how chinese people consider people like me, I mean huoqiao ren. Are we considered as strangers, even if we look like asian, and talk chinese ?

returned overseas chinese are still regarded as “chinese” and therefore a “zi ji ren” (people of our side), no matter what passport they hold. however there are some changes in recent years. overseas chinese are no longer seen to hold those advantages over the local chinese in fields such as language, skills or working experiences, in fact, the trend is that many executive search firms favor local talents over those returned from overseas because of their extensive experiences and knowledge of china.

interestingly, the chances are greater that local chinese got frustracted in socializing with overseas chinese than with foreigners. i don’t understand why. but in general, returned overseas chinese can fit into shanghai quite well, and they are viewed as a member of shanghai and chinese community.

good luck to you!