China Data: Human Resources

China Data: Human Resources

China Business Review recently published a HR data sheet, you can download from here. Inside, you will find:

Compensation and turnover statistics, as well as tips for attracting and retaining talent

China’s Tight Talent Market
China Market Movement, 1995-2005
Salary Increase Rate by Job Level in First Tier Cities, 2005
Average Salary Increase by City, 2005
Salary by Exptriate Type, 2005
Total Cash Composition by Expatriate Type, 2005
Supplementary Benefits Practices among Foreign-Invested Enterprises, 2005
Employee Turnover Rate, 2001-05
Turnover Rate by Staff Type April 2004-March 2005
Why Employees Leave, 2005
Why Employees Stay, 2005

Tips for Attracting and Retaining Talent
Pitfalls in Talent Acquisition in China