Category Working in China

Expats reconsider living in Beijing over growing pollution

The Makeevs are leaving Beijing this summer. It was a tough decision for the family to make. They’ve lived here for a decade and have grown attached to the capital’s ways, its oddities and its quirks.

But the air pollution, amid a number of concerns, finally became too much for the Russian couple after giving birth to a baby girl last September.

In their home near the East Fourth Ring Road across from Chaoyang Park, the couple stays at home as much as possible on heavily polluted days. Their air purifier runs around the clock, windows stay closed and masks are a must when they do go out.

“Beijing’s air got worse in the last year, and this winter was especially bad,” said Makeev, who runs an export business in Beijing.

The heavy smog that blanketed eastern parts of China for much of the winter triggered international attention to China’s air pollution issue, especially in the capital where some 200,000 expatriates reside.

The US embassy’s air quality index classified pollution levels as “beyond the index” several times in January. However, the official index put out by environmental authorities, which usually stands in contrast to the US embassy data, also showed in parts of Beijing that the pollution levels were too high to be read at monitoring stations.

Staying away

“We feel drowsy, we get headaches, we cough. We even noticed differences in the baby’s behavior, as she gets cranky and doesn’t sleep well,” Makeev said. He explained that in Russia, it’s common to spend at least two to three hours daily outside to let babies get fresh air.

Besides air pollution, Makeev also worries about food and water quality. The comfortable and cheap cocoon that lured many expats to Beijing is cracking. Rents are up, high prices are being charged for low-quality products and traffic is an ever-worsening chore, he said. The increasingly evident wealth gap is also making him uncomfortable.

In pursuit of better climate and business opportunities, the couple has decided to leave for Malaysia soon.

Makeev’s worries are shared among many in the expat community in Beijing, and the couple are not the only ones planning on leaving.

There were at least two high-profile cases of foreigners asking to be repatriated in January, when PM2.5 readings in Beijing climbed to over 800, said Max Price, a partner at Antal International China office, a global executive recruitment corporation. A PM2.5 reading over 500 is already considered serious pollution.

Price told the Global Times that a high-ranking lawyer and a senior technical professional working for two German automobile companies respectively insisted on being repatriated to their original countries and left.

“When I speak to my international colleagues, their first questions are never about how business is going or how I am doing personally. They always ask about the pollution,” he said. “It’s really something I never experienced before.”

When speaking to people as a recruiter, quality of life used to be the third question following the actual duties of the job and the salary, but now it has jumped to second on the list, Price said, adding that this mainly happens with people with families.

A lot of foreigners who are keen on staying in China are turning their attention toward second-tier or third-tier cities, as these have increased employment options and better air quality, said Price.

The recent H7N9 bird flu outbreak has also come to complicate matters.

“A lack of communication and a limited number of reports have made people fear the worse and compare it with the SARS outbreak 10 years ago,” he said, noting that these aspects are making Beijing and Shanghai less attractive than other Chinese cities to expats.

Although there is no official data on how many foreigners are leaving Beijing or tourists staying away for fear of the pollution, the Beijing municipal tourism data showed a slump of foreign visitors in February and March this year compared to 2012.

According to the statistics, Beijing saw 165,000 foreign visitors in February, 37 percent less than last year.

Protect yourselves

January’s heavy smog has led to anxious discussions among Beijing residents who have been scrambling for protection such as air purifiers and air pollution masks. All the major brands sold out quickly, and many are still out of stock due to soaring demand.

At the meantime, the non-medical term “Beijing cough” went viral on social media in January, referring to the dry cough and scratchy throat suffered by foreigners upon arrival in Beijing.

Richard Saint Cyr, a family medicine physician at Beijing United Family Hospital, told the Global Times that most doctors at the hospital, especially in the emergency room, had not noticed an extraordinary increase in respiratory problems.

“But I certainly saw many people coming in with asthma exacerbations or serious coughing. I’ve had discussions with a few patients, both foreign and local, who are thinking of leaving Beijing due to the pollution,” he said.

Sean Dugdale, an American exchange student with Peking University, said he was hoping to work in Beijing after college but had given up that idea because of the pollution.

When the smog hit the city, Dugdale’s family grew worried and sent him an e-mail with pictures showing the smog-covered Tiananmen Square. He has now decided to return to the US after his one-year exchange program ends.

Over the past four or five months, Price noticed cases where some foreigners, mostly at American companies, are asking for “danger money” when negotiating a contract with employers if they are to continue working in Beijing.

Danger money, he explained, is an extra bonus one asks for when confronted with safety risks in the country of employment. Traditionally, this is associated with nations like Angola and Nigeria, where security risks are high, and roughly amounts to 10 percent of one’s annual salary package.

“I think many young people are more willing to trade the pollution off against the opportunities that are available in Beijing, particularly given the economy in many western countries right now,” said Ashley Howlett, a partner at global law firm Jones Day’s Beijing office.

He said there are still a lot of foreigners seeking job opportunities in Beijing, although it is becoming more difficult for multinational companies to sell Beijing as a perfect location when hiring. Howlett’s wife and children moved back to New Zealand, their home country, four years ago as the air quality in Beijing was having a bad effect on his 11-year-old asthmatic son.

Matt Hope, a British artist had sought solution to air pollution with his “Breathing Bike,” a pedal-powered air filtration system that provides clean air to the rider as it moves.

“Most of my friends came to stay for a while then leave, and some do leave China considering their families’ health. For me, I still feel a lot of things are interesting in China for my art practicing,” he told the Global Times.

“I think Beijing struggled to attract people before the pollution became a news item.

With its harsh climate and drab concrete skyline it doesn’t make a good backdrop for postcards, however what’s left of old Beijing still has a fan base,” Hope said.

Positive steps

The Beijing government has vowed to make greater efforts to tackle air pollution, including a “clean air pact” that aims to reduce major pollutants concentration by an average of 2 percent by the end of this year.

Experts have also called for more international cooperation on pollution control, both at the official level and via communications among environmental organizations.

Jack Marzulli, a research fellow with New York City-based Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) China, told the Global Times that he’ll be returning to the US at the end of his one-year post with the organization’s Sustainable Cities Team.

“The pollution is definitely one of the reasons that I’m not seriously considering staying in Beijing longer term,” said Marzulli. “Ironically, it’s also one of the reasons I moved here in the first place.”

Having visited Beijing in the past, Marzulli said he wanted to be part of the effort in fighting Beijing’s pollution and specifically applied for a post at the NRDC’s Beijing office.

“The air pollution constantly reminds me how important our work is,” he said.

There is still a lot of work to be done to improve the air quality in Beijing and the rest of China, but environmental organizations are making a lot of progress, he said, while public awareness of air pollution and other environmental issues is increasing significantly.

China has been sparing no efforts in improving air quality and curbing pollution and Japan is glad to offer its assistance to the government, companies and NGOs, said Okazaki Yuta, First Secretary of the Economic Section (Environment) at the Embassy of Japan in China.

“I’d like to extend my heartfelt sympathy to residents who suffered from heavy smog earlier this year. As the father of two children, I’m heartbroken when seeing Chinese kids getting sick because of the air pollution,” said Okazaki.

He lives in Beijing with his wife and two sons, and the family has come to depend on its air purifier.

“Japan also experienced serious air pollution before, and I don’t want to see more harm caused by pollution anywhere in this world,” he said.

“I’d like to continue working in Beijing, hoping that our experiences, lessons and technologies can help China find a solution.”

Expat talents urged to contribute to China

Premier Wen Jiabao on Thursday invited more foreign experts to work in China, pledging better conditions for them.

With the Chinese Lunar New Year around the corner, Wen extended New Year’s greetings to about 20 veteran foreign experts working in China’s education, scientific research, culture and health sectors. They were invited to the Great Hall of the People for a seminar with the premier on Thursday.

Wen said foreign experts have contributed to China’s revolution and modernization drive, which the Chinese people will always remember.

He also said China will unswervingly stick to the reform and opening-up policy.

“A nation can be prosperous only when it is open and inclusive,” the premier said, adding that the number and quality of foreign experts reflect an open and civilized country.

“We will, as we are doing, welcome a large number of foreign experts, especially high-end talent in all fields to work in China and we will provide better policies and working environments for them,” he said.

More than 550,000 foreign experts were working in China in 2012, according to Zhang Jianguo, director of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.

China has introduced various programs to attract foreign professionals.

The Recruitment Program of Foreign Experts, which started in 2011, aims to attract up to 1,000 foreign professionals over 10 years to help spur innovation, promote scientific research and corporate management.

The project has brought in 94 recruits.

Professionals recruited by the program will be entitled to subsidies, research allowances, favorable salaries, residency permits, medical care and insurance policies.

Guillermo Pulido of Mexico is one of the recruits.

Pulido now works as the director of the Center of Mexican Studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University.

His job is to help more people in China understand Mexican culture, through its language, literature and history.

“I chose (to work in) China without a second thought,” said Pulido, adding that his interest in China began when he was young. “I read books about ancient China at school in Mexico, and I became helplessly curious, especially about the ancient philosophies of Confucius and Lao Tzu,” he said.

Wang Huiyao, director of the Center for China and Globalization in Beijing, said in general the number of foreign experts working in China is comparatively small.

“We should further make our global talent introduction polices in accordance with international practices, such as using talent immigration measures and introducing more convenient visa and residence policies,” he said.

“The United States attracts around 62 percent of the world’s top scientists to live there and produces around 70 percent of the Nobel Price winners in natural science work in the country. That is closely related to its immigration and visa policy,” Wang said.

Besides scientists, China should introduce more global talent in fields such as the economy, corporate management and higher education, he suggests.

DFA warns of tougher China law on illegal workers

China’s new immigration law, which will take effect on July 1, 2013, will impose stiffer penalties on those found to have violated it, the Philippine Consulate General in Guangzhou warned on Thursday.

In a statement sent by the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Consulate said the new immigration law provides particular attention to the so-called “three illegals” – illegal entry, residence and employment. Each violation is penalized with different and more severe penalty.

“Foreigners found illegally working in China may be subjected to a fine raning from RMB (renmibi) 5,000 to RMB20,000. Possible detention of five to 15 days may also be imposed for serious violations. Income acquired from illegal employment will also be confiscated. Illegal residents will be fined from RMB500 per day up to a maximum amount of RMB10,000, or imprisonment of five to 15 days,” the statement said.

Under the new law, employers who hire foreigners without the proper permits and documentations will also be penalized.

The new law also provides fine and penalty of imprisonment to persons or organizations aiding foreigners in committing any activities defined under the so-called “three illegals.”

The Consulate urged Filipino nationals affected by the changes in the immigration law to contact the Consulate for advice. The public is also warned about agents misrepresenting themselves as processors of exit visas for overstaying foreigners.

China Offer Lucrative Remuneration To Lure More Foreign Talent

China is gearing up to lure more foreign talent, especially those with experience in engineering, bioscience and information science.

In order to facilitate the recruitment of experts, the country would adopt more market-oriented measures, including cooperation with high-level expert associations and headhunting firms, Xinhua news agency quoted Zhang Jianguo, a general director of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs as saying.

Zhang said the Chinese government has established a 10-year programme in August 2011, which aims to employ 500 to 1,000 overseas high-caliber experts to help increasing China’s economic and social development.

He said every employed expert would be offered one million yuan (US$160,000) as living expense subsidies.

“For scientific researcher, they would be given another three to five million yuan research subsidy,” he said.

Currently, 94 foreign experts have been recruited under the programme, he added.

Overseas talents increasingly take up key posts in China state-owned firms

Chinese state-owned companies directly under the central government have hired more than 1,600 overseas employees, said Huang Shuhe, deputy director of the State Council’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, according to China Daily.

“International experts have helped these enterprises produce many of the world’s leading technologies and products with their own intellectual property rights, and that has laid a foundation that will carry the enterprises forward,” Huang was quoted by the paper as saying on Monday.

The Recruitment Program of Global Experts, started from 2008, has hired 136 high-level experts, the paper said.

Another recruitment program, started last year, aims to introduce up to 1,000 foreign professionals over 10 years to help spur innovation, promote scientific research and corporate management.

Zhang Jianguo, director of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. Told the paper the grogram has hired 94 people.

Professionals recruited by both programs will be entitled to subsidies, research allowances, favorable salaries, residency permits, medical care and insurance policies, the paper said.

Expat executives in China

Interviewees are in general management roles including CEOs and COOs:

79% of the respondents see a shrinking gap of compensation package between expat and local executives.

70% noticed a change in the type of expatriate workers that China is attracting – expatriates are now younger and from more diverse nations.

71% now believe it is harder for foreign-born executives working in China to gain access to local executive positions.

42% cited “employers favor local talent” as the most inhibiting factor to finding an executive job in China.

60% of the surveyed expatriates think employers would prefer to use less skilled local people to avoid paying an expatriate compensation package.

51% are actively looking for a new opportunity.

The survey was conducted by the Association of Executive Search Consultants.

Employment in 2009 tops expectations

An expert from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has said that the employment situation in 2009 is better than expected. The director of the Academy’s Sociology Institute, Li Peilin, said on Monday that although China experienced its worst unemployment in three years this year, the situation has been better than expected.

Most rural migrant workers who lost their jobs during the financial crisis in 2008 have already returned to the cities and found new jobs. Meanwhile, more than 6 million college graduates have found jobs this year.

Figures from the Ministry of Education show that the employment rate for new graduates was 74 percent in July and August.

Creating more jobs for recent graduates

Employment has been a huge challenge for China in 2009, after a record 6.1 million recent college graduates entered the job market. With the new year fast approaching, the country plans to continue the priority of finding them employment.

Although most graduates have secured jobs in urban areas, fierce competition and limited experience, has left many with low salaries and unpromising career prospects. The Ministry of Education says a record 6.3 million university students will graduate in 2010, creating more pressures on urban employment. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Securities plans to adjust the employment structure, by implementing policies to encourage graduates to work in less-developed regions in the mid-west, rural areas and in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Shanghai to recruit overseas financial talents

A delegation of financial organizations in Shanghai started a global recruiting tour Friday afternoon, hoping to fill 115 vacancies by the end of the trip.

The 17 organizations will hold three job fairs overseas, or in New York on Dec. 5, Toronto on Dec. 9 and Singapore on Dec. 13, to recruit high level financial talents.

A similar move last year brought 66 financial talents to the city, of whom five are enlisted in a national program on hiring overseas specialists and each enjoys 1 million yuan (146,400 U.S. dollars) in subsidies from the central government.

Ji Wenguan, head of Shanghai Financial Work Commission, told Xinhua that the Shanghai municipal government was planning to provide support of housing, insurance and education for the talents.

Tax cuts would also be provided for them, said Fang Xing, director of Shanghai Finance Office.

Fang said “Talents and innovation are prerequisite to building Shanghai into an international financial center.”

“It is a golden opportunity to do creative work here, work that can really make a difference, as the financial sector is developing rapidly in China,” said Hua Lei, who was recruited last year and is now supervisor of high-end wealth management at Orient Securities.

In addition, the education and medical care level in Shanghai was as good as anywhere else in the world, Hua said.

“Our payment package is competitive and flexible in the global market,” said Yang Qingzhong, human resource manager of Haitong Securities Co., Ltd.

Yang said his company was very satisfied with the performance of the high level talents recruited last year and was offering seven more important posts this time, including manager of assets management division.

Bank of Communications, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Haitong Securities Co., Ltd and other big names in the Chinese financial sector are among the 17 recruiting organizations.

Number of Macao’s manufacturing employees down 4.4% in Q3

MACAO, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) — A total of 16,321 persons were employed in Macao’s manufacturing sector at the end of the third quarter of 2009, dropping significantly by 31.8 percent year-on-year, according to the figures released on Thursday by the city’s Statistics and Census Service (DSEC).

The average earnings of full time employees in the manufacturing sector rose by 4.8 percent year-on-year to 5,630 patacas (713 U.S. dollars) in the third quarter this year, the DSEC figures indicated.

As for the hotels and restaurants sector, there were a total of47,345 paid employees in the period, dropping by 4.4 percent over last year, and the average earnings also decreased by 1.4 percent to 9,960 patacas (1,261 dollars).

Meanwhile, the local financial sector employed 5,475 persons in the third quarter, dropping by three percent year-on-year, with 4,640 working in local banks. The average earnings for full-time employees in the period rose marginally by 0.1 percent year-on-year to 17,470 patacas (2,211 U.S. dollars).

At the end of September this year, the Manufacturing, Hotels and restaurants and Financial sectors reported 1,534, 3,790 and 163 vacancies respectively, down 15.8 percent, 5.7 percent and 8.9percent year-on-year, according to the DSEC.?