Ad market reverses sales drop

Ad market reverses sales drop

China’s overall advertising market edged up 0.1 percent in the first three quarters of this year, reversing from a 3.5 percent drop over the same period a year ago.

Traditional ad spending in the first nine months fell 5.5 percent, narrowing from the loss of 7.3 percent a year ago and a 6.2 percent drop in the first half of this year, CTR said in its quarterly report yesterday.

TV ad grew 1.4 percent in September, the biggest monthly gain since the start of this year, due to rising spending from key industries such as transport and real estate.

Newspapers saw worsening ad income which plunged 40 percent in the first three quarters, with property, commercial services and entertainment companies all cutting spending. Magazines also suffered a 29.9 percent loss in ad income from a year earlier.

Ad spending in movie theaters was the fastest growing sector in the first three quarters, jumping 57 percent.