Archives 2006

Revenue Analylist

Company Introduction:
This company is the leading developer and supplier of software for technical computing and Model-Based Design. Employing more than 1,500 people, The Company was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Natick, Massachusetts, with offices and representatives throughout the world. The company has been profitable every year since its inception and is privately held.

Job Summary
1.This position reports to the Manager of Finance and Operations-China and is the primary facilitator of the company China’s revenue and order management supporting the office¡¯s sales organization;
2.The individual will work directly with the field sales team in coordinating defined processes for orders of Product, maintenance, training and consulting;
3.Their knowledge of software revenue recognition guidelines, internal It’s policies and experience with Chinese billing and invoicing processes will ensure that this process is in support of the company’s worldwide revenue and financial practices;
4.With supportive customer-facing experience, the Revenue Specialist will also support product passcode administration, license administration, assisting in the training center registration, facilitation of the inbound email customer service requests via phone, mail and the web, as well as assist in resolution of customer and order discrepancies related to pricing, purchase order terms, etc.

Order and revenue management inclusive of license compliance, revenue classification to company standards (i.e., Industry, govt., education, etc), discount and pricing reviews:
1)Prepare and generate material for Revenue invoicing;
2)License administration and database updating;
3)Handle Order and billing inquiries;
4)Revenue and order record-keeping and maintenance;
5)Passcode generation and license administration;
6)Inbound email and service request facilitation;
7)Support external customer enquiries via web, post and telephone.

1.Strong English and Chinese (Mandarin) language skills, both oral and written;
2.4+ years prior working experience with high tech company;
3.Prior experience of working with a Sales organization with the ability to review order pricing, terms & conditions, commission coding (splits), and bill to information;
4.Strong order management knowledge including adhering to database and pricing standards, software license configuration and shipping requirements;
5.Understanding of commissions, orders, billing and revenue recognition issues;
6.Very good system skills including use of Order Management programs, ERP, CRM (Siebel, Vantive) and reporting tools. Need to be a “hands on user” and trainer of in-house supported applications;
7.Prior experience handling direct customer inquiries both via phone and email;
8.Ability to type a minimum of 30 WPM;
9.Experience with Microsoft Office;
10.Professional phone manner;
11.Professional and positive Attitude;
12.A willingness to work extended hours at times to coordinate issues with the United States.

College degree required. Accounting/Finance degree preferred.

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to: ‘’

Higher Pay for Holiday Jobs Expected This Year, Survey Finds

— Need a little extra spending money for the holidays? Twenty-three percent of hiring managers say they are recruiting for holiday positions, according to a recent survey. Nearly one-in-four expect to pay their seasonal hires more than last year, with 37 percent offering $10 or more per hour. The survey, “Holiday Jobs,” was completed in September and included 1,150 hiring managers nationwide.
Comparing this year to last, 13 percent of hiring managers plan to add the same amount of seasonal employees while 5 percent plan to hire more.Another 5 percent will add employees, but on a smaller scale than 2005. Of those hiring, 86 percent are likely to treat holiday employment as an extended job interview and offer permanent positions to some seasonal employees.

Twenty-four percent of hiring managers plan to raise hourly wages for seasonal hires compared to last year, while 70 percent expect no change in pay scales. Six percent say the seasonal pay will be lower than last year. One- in-ten hiring managers expect to shell out $16 or more per hour, while 33 percent expect to pay $8 to $9 per hour and 31 expect to pay $7 or less per hour.
So, where can you find a seasonal gig? identified the following hot spots for holiday jobs:

— Retail — stores are in need of extra sales clerks and stockers to
handle peak shopping periods
— Hospitality — hotels and resorts are looking for ski instructors,
restaurant servers and hotel clerks to help out in the busy travel
— Customer Service — companies augment their customer service staff to
handle increased gift orders and returns
— Delivery — package delivery companies hire more drivers and support
staff to handle heavier holiday shipments
— Office Support — businesses need temps to help out with end of the
year wrap-ups and fill in for vacationing workers
“Workers interested in seasonal positions should act fast,” said Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources at”The vast majority of hiring managers are already recruiting for seasonal positions and nearly half are filling their open positions in two weeks or less.”
Haefner offers the following tips for landing seasonal work:
1) Be flexible — 28 percent of hiring managers surveyed say the biggest
turnoff when considering a seasonal job candidate is his/her refusal to
work certain hours
2) Be enthusiastic — a lack of holiday spirit can impair your chances of
getting hired, according to 26 percent of those surveyed
3) Be serious — 19 percent of hiring managers are turned off by
individuals who don’t treat the position as a real job and don’t take the
responsibilities seriously
4) Be smart — a failure to be knowledgeable about the company or product
line is a major pet peeve for 8 percent of hiring managers looking to
fill seasonal positions.

Survey Methodology
This survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of among 1,150 hiring managers, ages 18 and over, within the
United States between August 31 and September 5, 2006. The ‘Employer’
segment was weighted by number of employees to bring them in line with
their actual proportions in the population. The segment was weighted using
propriety algorithms in order to align the online population to be more
representative demographically and behaviorally of the total population of
online and offline employers.
With a pure probability sample of 1,150, one could say with a 95
percent probability, that the overall results have a sampling error of +/-
4 percentage points. Sampling error for data from subsamples would be
higher and would vary. However, that does not take other sources of error
into account. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and
therefore no theoretical sampling error can be calculated.
About is the nation’s largest online job site with more
than 23 million unique visitors and over 1.5 million jobs. Owned by Gannett
Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI), Tribune Company (NYSE: TRB), and The McClatchy
Company (NYSE: MNI), the company offers a vast online and print network to
help job seekers connect with employers. powers the
career centers for more than 1,100 partners that reach national, local,
industry and niche audiences. These include more than 185 newspapers and
leading portals such as America Online and MSN. More than 250,000 employers
take advantage of’s easy job postings, 18 million-plus
resumes, Diversity Channel and more. Millions of job seekers visit the site
every month to search for opportunities by industry, location, company and
job type, sign up for automatic email job alerts, and get advice on job
hunting and career management.

Most Frequently Used Recruiting Websites by China Online Job Seekers

According to iResearch 2005 China Online Recruiting Research Report, the comparison between 2004 survey results and 2005 survey results indicated that the most frequently used percentage of each super recruiting website has increased a lot. This shows that online job seekers tend to concentrate when the stickiness of super recruiting websites to online job seekers is increasing gradually.


Use Your Social Network to Get Jobs

The latest craze in hiring is the oldest craze in hiring–find employees that come highly recommended by their friends and colleagues. Social networking has always been used in a non-technological sense to find the perfect candidate or to find the perfect job. Now technology meets the job search.

Sites like Jobster, H3, and O’Reilly Connections have sprung up to bring potential employees together with potential employers–particularly those “passive” job applicants who are already employed and may not be actively searching for a new one. From Wired:

The recruiting sites are all about connections. Most share the goal of helping employers reach the coveted “passive” job applicant, which is recruiter lingo for the qualified person who is already gainfully employed and thus not maniacally reading job boards. Such people are often the best new hires, but are hard to reach through conventional advertising.
Many personnel recruiters find that an e-mail campaign yields better candidates than a traditional “Help Wanted” ad.

ICBC makes gains after world-record listing

Shares of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) have posted modest gains two weeks after investors scrambled to get in on the world’s largest ever initial public offering.

The dual listing of the bank’s shares in Hong Kong and Shanghai, the first of its kind for China, sparked frenzy as top rank foreign and domestic investors sought to get a piece of the Chinese growth miracle.

The demand was so intense that the lender, China’s largest, decided to exercised its over-allotment option this week, increasing the number of shares on offer to raise a world record-breaking 21.1 billion dollars.

While the state-owned ICBC staged a strong debut in Hong Kong last month with Shanghai lagging behind, two weeks on, its shares have only managed to score modest gains, analysts said.

They have risen 19 percent from their offer price in Hong Kong and 12 percent higher than the issue price in Shanghai with many individual investors having taken profit, they said.

Although fresh fund inflows are flooding the Chinese and Hong Kong stock markets, pushing them to record highs as investors bet on a further strengthening of the Chinese yuan, the money has also gone to other China-related stocks.

“I am a little disappointed with its performance,” said Francis Lun, general manager of Fulbright Securities. “It’s a big bank. I expected it would perform better.”

In Shanghai however, Gu Junlei, banking analyst with Orient Securities, said ICBC’s performance matches its expectations: “It offered a lower initial public offering price, which paved the way for further steady increase.”

Kitty Chan, director of Hong Kong-based Celestial Asia Securities Holdings, said its performance was “acceptable” and remained within her expectations given the many problems that have dogged the sector.

International investors have jumped at the chance to buy into a piece of the Chinese financial sector despite mountains of bad debt, poor management and a lack of transparency.

But Chan said: “Investors will continue to be attracted by a country that has good economic growth and that will go for its banks.”

ICBC is the third of China’s big four banks to go offshore after Bank of China and China Construction Bank as part of government-driven sector reform.

(Source: AFP)

Millions more jobless expected in Chinese cities

BEIJING: Employment pressure is building in China with an additional 50 million people expected to be hunting for a limited pool of jobs in cities by 2010, state media reported on Friday.

Only 40 million new jobs will be created for urban residents between 2006 and 2010, leaving an additional 10 million people without work, according to a new report by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the China Daily said. It said the government was striving to maintain the unemployment rate among registered city residents at below five percent.

However, the jobless problem has been exacerbated by a massive influx of rural job seekers who are not registered in cities. China population of migrant workers is estimated at 150 million, or 11.5 per cent of the population, double the figure for a decade ago, the newspaper said.

The migrant workers plus other factors ensure that unemployment would remain a problem for the world most populous country in the years to come, it said.

A Trip Abroad Can Help You Win a Job

By Kevin Voigt

From The Wall Street Journal Online

Finding a job in a distant market can be tough, as employers are less likely to give a break to someone who has no experience in the market, or who must be flown in for an interview. To make matters even trickier, what holds true in one country often doesn’t apply in another, says job recruiter Lawrence Wang, author of the job-hunt book “Know the Game, Play the Game” and managing director of Beijing-based Wang & Li Asia Resources.

For starters, he says, remember that while the Internet is good, legwork is better. With the proliferation of specialized online job sites, it is easy to get your resume to the market you are interested in. “But there’s really no substitute for being there,” says Mr. Wang.

He suggests planning a trip to the area and letting the companies you are interested in know you are coming to town and would like to stop by. “If you fly there, it shows your commitment and gives a much higher indication of your interest in relocating.”

Contacting local chambers of commerce and career centers, or stopping by bars and clubs frequented by professionals in the area, can give a job searcher more ideas and contacts, Mr. Wang says. If you don’t know anyone in the city you are targeting, check your university alumni directory to see if any classmates live in the area.

Often, this process can help people decide whether they really want to relocate. “For example, Beijing is a real exciting place, but it’s not for everyone,” he says. “People sometimes come here a few times and decide it’s not for them — which is good. Now they won’t spend the next five years wondering what could have been.”

Spread your net of contacts. Dumb luck is often a key ingredient in a successful job search, and it often is resting in the hands of someone you haven’t even met. By broadening your list of personal contacts, your break can come from the unlikeliest places.

Mr. Wang, a California native, began his first job search in Taipei when he was a 28-year-old graduate business student at the University of California, Los Angeles. Seeking a marketing position, he cold-called 50 foreign-owned companies. He got only three interviews. They were all unsuccessful. His break came not by slogging through company directories and mass-mailing resumes, but by calling an acquaintance — a former classmate — who had family in Taipei. In the end, his “classmate’s sister’s husband” was the one who made the connection that netted his first job with a Taipei marketing firm.

“The kindness of strangers can really come through for you,” Mr. Wang says. “People in the international community have been through this before, so they can identify with you. And the average person knows a lot. They can know the people to talk to, have their names and numbers, and they’re flattered that you’re asking their advice. Use them.”

Patience is a virtue in this kind of search. Don’t be disheartened if the first trip doesn’t yield a job. One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is born out of impatience, Mr. Wang says. Overeager applicants often don’t take the time to gain an understanding of the market, and they let their naivete show. “A common mistake we see is people coming into the market and completely outpricing themselves,” he says.

Salary requests have to be within the market range, and wildly overshooting the curve undercuts your credibility.

Mr. Wang suggests talking to anyone who knows something about the job market you are looking at: “What are the trends, what is the current market mindset? What kind of skills are employers really looking at right now?” he says.

Job seekers must also be realistic about their chances in a market where they have no language skills, Mr. Wang adds.

Email your comments to

Project names ‘top employers’

A project was launched in Beijing on Friday aiming to build employer brands by naming China’s “top employers” in a new publication and on TV.

The China Top Employers project was also launched in Shanghai in May by the Corporate Research Foundation (CRF), a Netherlands-based independent publishing company.

“Its format is unique in China. It aims to help companies build an employer brand,” said Cai Rong, chief representative of CRF China. She added the project is currently active in nine countries.

Jobseekers, MBAs, EMBAs and graduates returning from overseas will be able to get information about companies selected by the CRF through books and TV shows.

“But each company has to pass a rigorous selection process to become one of the ‘top employers’ in China,” Cai said.

After registering, companies complete a questionnaire and a CRF journalist interviews one of their senior human resources managers and two employees from the firm.

“Our questions vary from country to country and region to region covering a wide area from salary, welfare and corporate culture,” Cai said. She added questions for each region are designed by a panel comprising experts from human resources companies, universities and the media.

“The information provided by the questionnaire is fully confidential and will be used to evaluate the participant and generate benchmark data,” she said.

The CRF determines whether a company meets the minimum criteria to become one of China’s “top employers,” determining the top three reasons to work for the firm and a confidential report.

If a company fails the final selection and publication, all research material and CRF reports are returned. The whole process is then free of charge.

If the participating company is selected as one of China’s “top employers,” the company profile as written by a CRF journalist is submitted to the firm. Companies are only able to make factual changes to the text.

The companies will be listed in a book, which is to be directly delivered to jobseekers. The book describes the advantages of the companies through information gleaned from the interviews.

“We will also take them (the selected companies) to seminars and TV shows to discuss with young talents issues concerning employer branding,” Cai said.

Companies are charged US$5,800 in Shanghai and US$7,800 in Beijing to cover research, writing, editorial, production and marketing costs.

The programme attracted 48 companies in Shanghai, including DHL, Alibaba, China Mobile and Home Inns. Thirty-eight have been selected as China’s Top Employers for 2007.

But Cai said domestic companies only make up a tiny proportion of the firms about 10 per cent of the total.

“We hope Chinese companies will attach more significance to building an employer brand,” she said.

The concept of employer brand was put forward by Western enterprises. Human resources departments play an important role in Western companies, but this is not the case in China.

“Human resources directors are not given enough rights in China and some roles that should belong to the department are played by other departments,” Cai said. “China’s human resources departments always remain at the operational level rather than at the strategic level.”

In many Chinese companies human resources departments are responsible for recruiting but not for retaining people. For this reason job turnover in Chinese companies is two to three times higher than in Europe.

Cai said it is also an initiative that drove them to bring the project to China

A reader’s toolbox:

70-536 as well as 70-290 are necessary to meet the eligibility criteria of 640-822 and 642-812 as well as EX0-101. Eventually all this experience matters in ccie. Gets Q3 Job Done

Total revenues increased 12.5% over Q3 2005 to US$22.9 million for (JOBS). The online job recruitment website tofday announced its unaudited financial results for the third quarter of 2006 ended September 30, 2006.

Print advertising revenues for the third quarter of 2006 increased 5.7% to US$12.4 million compared with the same quarter in 2005. The company says the increase was primarily due to a greater volume of advertisements in 51job Weekly and higher average revenue per page.

The estimated number of print advertising pages generated in the third quarter of 2006 was 3,217 compared with 3,115 pages in the same quarter in 2005. Average revenue per page in the third quarter of 2006 increased 2.3% over the third quarter of 2005.

Online recruitment services revenues for the third quarter of 2006 were US$7.3 million, representing a 29.6% growth from RMB44.4 million for the same quarter last year. The increase was principally attributable to growth in the number of employers using the company’s online services. Unique employers using the company’s online recruitment services increased to 44,969 in the third quarter of 2006 compared with 34,407 in the same period last year.

Gross profit for the third quarter of 2006 was US$12.1 million, representing an increase of 15.9% from the same quarter last year.

As of September 30, 2006, the company’s cash balance was US$104.5 million compared with RMB830.6 million at December 31, 2005 and RMB812.5 million at June 30, 2006.

Recruiting Survey: Employers Make Shallow Use of Employee Talent Pools, and Fewer Properly Communicate

White paper based on survey results says a small number of companies have talent pools, but do not adequately communicate with prospects.

Pleasant Prairie, WI (PRWEB via HRMarketer) November 7, 2006 — Only 22 percent of respondents who have built “talent pools” regularly communicate with their prospects, reports an annual survey of recruiting professionals by TalentPen, provider of a web-based candidate collection and personality matching tool. A white paper summarizing this survey can be downloaded at

¡°The lack of direct communications is turning off candidates,¡± according to Nick Burkholder, founding of He is quoted by the white paper as considering candidate communications as ¡°a huge opportunity for improvement in most organizations.¡±

¡°Even Starbucks, which does maintain a talent pool, has said that the pool can¡¯t keep up with its growth (about 300 new hires a day),¡± states the paper.

The white paper offers tips to employers, including the development of ¡°talent pools¡± and active communication with prospects. Using personality assessments in recruiting is also cited as a key measurement for how an employee fits a company¡¯s culture, which directly impacts their loyalty.

Employers who don¡¯t follow this advice will pay a high price, according to the paper. ¡°Conservative industry estimates put the cost of turnover at 1.5 times that of salary,¡± explains Michael Sproul, president of TalentPen. ¡°Some companies are reporting a six-fold expenditure above salary when hidden costs such as ¡®chain reaction¡¯ turnover and lost productivity are factored in.¡±

Most recruiting professionals who responded to the survey were from companies with populations of 100 to 1,000 employees. More than a quarter of these respondents were from service companies. Other industries represented include healthcare, manufacturing, education, and financial services.

TalentPen, a web-based candidate collection and matching tool, measures personalities, job preferences and qualifications, collects them into private talent pools and matches them to employers with appropriate cultures. Candidates don¡¯t apply for a specific job, but instead complete personality profiles for placement into expandable talent networks.

About eBullpen, LLC
Based in Pleasant Prairie, WI, eBullpen, LLC helps employers and job seekers alike find better employment matches by putting personality matching up front in the candidate sourcing process. eBullpen created the TalentPen candidate collection and matching system to give employers an edge in talent acquisition and the tools for improving the hire — not just the hiring process. TalentPen allows employers to incorporate eBullpen¡¯s proven assessment techniques and technologies into their existing career site or ATS. With either system, the end result is a streamlined hiring process and a faster placement of qualified candidates who fit a company¡¯s culture.

For more information, visit

Media Note: To arrange phone or personal interviews with Michael Sproul, CEO of eBullpen or other appropriate executives, contact:

Bruce Brough at 831-234-9297, or Matt Pitchford at 317-460-0250

This press release was distributed through eMediawire by Human Resources Marketer (HR Marketer: on behalf of the company listed above.