Archives December 2006

US initial jobless claims decline from 13-month high

THE number of US workers filing first-time applications for state unemployment benefits fell last week from a 13-month high that was inflated by end-of-year seasonal adjustments, the Labor Department said yesterday.

Initial jobless claims fell by 34,000 to 324,000 in the week that ended on December 2 from 358,000 the prior week, the department said in Washington, according to Bloomberg News. The four-week moving average, a less volatile measure, rose to 328,750, the highest since May, from 325,250.

Claims from the prior week, which included Thanksgiving Day, were distorted by seasonal adjustments that cause wide fluctuations in weekly figures at this time of year, a department spokesman said. Attention will now turn to today’s report on November payrolls, which may show job growth remained below the average for the year, according to a Bloomberg survey.

“Most of the jump in claims in the prior week was due to a seasonal adjustment problem around the Thanksgiving holiday,” Mike Englund, chief US economist at Action Economics LLC in Boulder, Colorado, said before the report. “Most of that gain was reversed this week. Data suggest some downside risk for payrolls.”

A Bloomberg survey of 40 economists forecast claims would decline to 325,000 from an originally reported 357,000. Economist estimates ranged from 300,000 to 350,000.

The number of people continuing to collect state jobless benefits rose to 2.524 million in the week that ended on November 25, the highest since January, from 2.467 million in the prior week. The unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits, which tends to track the US jobless rate, held at 1.9 percent.

Forty states and territories reported a decrease in new claims, while 12 reported an increase and one had no change, the department said. Those numbers are reported with a one-week lag.

Initial jobless claims, which reflect firings, usually increase with slowing job growth, which is measured by the US government’s monthly report on non-farm payrolls.

Still, as fewer women seek jobs and the population ages, the labor market remains tight. The unemployment rate was 4.4 percent in October, a five-year low, and workers’ average hourly earnings rose 3.9 percent from October 2005, close to September’s five-year high of 4.1 percent.

Some companies continue to hire to boost output or introduce new products.

Electric Boat Corp, a unit of General Dynamics Corp and the primary contractor on the US Navy’s Virginia-class nuclear submarine, plans to hire about 200 engineers this year to work on advanced submarine concepts, said Robert Hamilton, spokesman for the Connecticut-based manufacturer of nuclear submarines .

PepsiAmericas to cut jobs

SOFT drink bottler PepsiAmericas Inc said it plans to reorganize its field sales and delivery network in the United States as part of a realignment estimated to result in charges of US$18 million.

Sara Zawoyski, vice president of investor relations, said most of that money would go toward relocations, and some field operations will be centralized in Schaumburg, Illinois, where the company’s operating headquarters are based. While PepsiAmericas is officially based in Minneapolis, its executive office is small.

PepsiAmericas is the world’s second-biggest producer, seller and distributor of PepsiCo beverages. It has operations in 19 US states, Central Europe and the Caribbean.

While Zawoyski declined to give a head count on the job reductions, she said it would be less than one percent of the company’s US work force, she said which is now around 12,000 to 13,000, and that they would be scattered across the country. Worldwide, PepsiAmericas employs about 16,000 people, she said.

The US$18 million charge will consist of severance and other employee-related costs. About US$12 million of the charge will be recorded during the fourth quarter

Employers Using Facebook for Background Checking, Part I

Is it legal?

In preparing to post a Part III on this subject, I decided to revise and re-release this post, which originally appeared at
There has recently been considerable attention in the media to instances of employers rejecting candidates or firing employees based on information obtained from social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook.

For example, see New York Times: ¡°For Some, Online Persona Undermines a R¨¦sum¨¦,¡± telling this story:

When a small consulting company in Chicago was looking to hire a summer intern this month, the company¡¯s president went online to check on a promising candidate who had just graduated from the University of Illinois.

At Facebook, a popular social networking site, the executive found the candidate¡¯s Web page with this description of his interests: ¡°smokin¡¯ blunts¡± (cigars hollowed out and stuffed with marijuana), shooting people and obsessive sex, all described in vivid slang.

It did not matter that the student was clearly posturing. He was done.

¡°A lot of it makes me think, what kind of judgment does this person have?¡± said the company¡¯s president, Brad Karsh. . .

Today I¡¯ll discuss a question posed by Steven Rothberg of ¡ª prefacing my remarks with a lawyerly disclaimer that I am not providing legal advice and have not thoroughly researched these issues, but am merely making some general comments.

Steven asked that I comment on the lawfulness of making adverse employment decisions on this basis. He raised several concerns: that with Facebook, students often have an incorrect understanding that only other students can access their profiles; that there may be false information on those sites, perhaps not even posted by the individuals themselves; and that Facebook¡¯s terms of service explicitly prohibit users from using Facebook for commercial purposes.

General rule (employment at will)

Let¡¯s start with the proposition that, like it or not, generally employers are free to make unfair, stupid, arbitrary, and wrongheaded hiring and termination decisions, even based on false information, as long as in doing so they do not violate some specific law.

Discrimination Law

One category of specific laws that could be violated by an adverse employment decision based on information on a social networking site is federal and state discrimination law.

It could be evidence of unlawful discrimination if an employer checks for such Internet information on only certain types of applicants or employees, for example, African-Americans and Hispanics.

It may also be evidence of unlawful discrimination if although the employer searches for such information on all applicants or employees, discriminatory bias affects the employer¡¯s evaluation of the information obtained.

For example, an employer may view more negatively photos of an African American male, beer in hand, hanging out at a bar with a hip-hop DJ than photos of a white boy, also with beer in hand, hanging out at a rock ¡®n roll bar with a bunch of other white boys wearing frat T-shirts.

Tell me, was it really the public evidence of drinking that disqualified the individual? How many current employees would be disqualified from employment if never getting publicly intoxicated ¡ª or even drinking in public ¡ª was a job requirement? These are the kinds of questions the EEOC would ask if discrimination was raised.

Sexual orientation might be another touchy area. These days, it may be frankly disclosed on social networking sites without much thought. Yet, sexual-orientation bias remains and might cause some employers to make adverse decisions. In many states and municipalities, sexual orientation discrimination is unlawful, so such decisions will be prohibited.

Invasion of Privacy

Invasion of privacy is a claim that I doubt would fly. It requires a ¡°reasonable expectation of privacy.¡± A student may believe that access to their Facebook profile is limited to a few thousand of their schoolmates and their closest friends. The Facebook FAQs clearly support such a belief in limited access, stating:

Can I see the profiles of people on other networks?

Facebook was intentionally designed to limit the availability of your profile to only your friends and other people on your networks. This simple but important security measure promotes local networking and makes sure that your information is seen by people you want to share it with, and not by people you don¡¯t.

Nonetheless, it would be tough to claim that this expectation of limited access, even if reasonable, is an expectation of ¡°privacy.¡±

On the other hand, if you are using privacy features that you believe allow you to limit access to only invited individuals, as opposed to all others on your network, and an employer somehow hacks past such a privacy barrier, you may have a strong privacy claim.

Terms of Service Violation

Now, onward to the terms of service issue raised by Steve. For sake of brevity, I will only address Facebook. MySpace may present somewhat different issues. The Facebook terms include the following:

You understand that the Service and the Web site are available for your personal, non-commercial use only. You represent, warrant and agree that no materials of any kind submitted through your account will violate or infringe upon the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other personal or proprietary rights; or contain libelous, defamatory or otherwise unlawful material.

You further agree not to harvest or collect email addresses or other contact information of Members from the Service or the Web site by electronic or other means for the purposes of sending unsolicited emails or other unsolicited communications. Additionally, you agree not to use automated scripts to collect information from the Service or the Web site or for any other purpose.

You further agree that you may not use the Service or the Web site in any unlawful manner or in any other manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair Web site. In addition, you agree not to use the Service or the Web site to:

impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent yourself or your affiliation with any person or entity; . . .
intimidate or harass another;
use or attempt to use another¡¯s account, service or system without authorization from the Company, or create a false identity on the Service or the Web site.

Steven thinks it¡¯s a no-brainer that checking individuals out on Facebook for purposes of employment decisions is a commercial use. This certainly is a possible interpretation, but I believe not the only one.

The next sentence focuses on materials submitted through your account, not what you do with information you learn about others. Therefore, ¡°non-commercial use only¡± could be interpreted as prohibiting only posting information for commercial gain, such as advertisements, not surfing the site for information in support of a business purpose.

The paragraph goes on to specifically prohibit certain methods of obtaining and using information about others. Though it prohibits automated scraping and spamming, it does not address the issue of searching for specific individuals and using the information to make employment decisions.

It seems a stretch to say an employer is ¡°intimidating or harassing¡± the user of Facebook by using Facebook information to make an adverse employment decision, but this certainly could be argued.

A more serious issue would arise if the employer misrepresented their affiliation with a college in order to create an account allowing them to look up certain individuals, or used another¡¯s account to do so. This would appear to be a plain violation of the terms of service.

Consequences of Violation of Terms of Service

Now, let¡¯s assume the employer violated the terms of service. So what? My answer is that this fact may support a tortious interference with business expectancy claim, but probably only if it was a third-party recruiter or investigator who committed a violation. This is because interference by a third party is required. Perhaps such a claim against the individual who obtained the information improperly, not the company, would satisfy this requirement, but that is still somewhat iffy.

Other elements of this type of claim might also be difficult to prove, such as whether the candidate has a reasonable expectancy of employment.

There might also be a federal cause of action under the Federal Computer Fraud And Abuse Act to the extent the recruiter/employer exceeds authorized access (as authorized in the terms of service) in obtaining data from a computer system (the Facebook server).

Other Laws

Another law that could come into play is the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Despite its name, this law has broader application than credit inquiries. It might apply if the Facebook information was obtained by a third party investigator such as a recruiter or background-checking service. It would not prohibit use of the information, but would require disclosure of the fact that such information was the basis for the decision.

Thinking Practically

Those are a few of my well-educated, but still speculative, legal thoughts. Long ago, one of my mentors taught me to always ask not only what the law requires my client to do, but also what the client should do, taking into account extra-legal factors such as business realities, employee morale, employee and public perceptions, etc. Here, in the face of some murky and emerging law, I have some thoughts on what both employers and applicants/employees should do, given this growing trend of employers checking social networking sites.

I would advise applicants/employees to assume that future employers will read everything you post. So when you put something about yourself out there, you can be yourself, but avoid obvious negatives like saying you hate to work or posting sleazy or drunken photos. It may help to ask yourself whether you would want your mother to see your site. Sorry to say, but you may not even want to admit homosexuality or extreme political or religious views.

On a positive note, use your Internet postings, including blogs as well as social networking sites, affirmatively. They can help you build visibility and credibility as an expert in your field (or hobby). Join more ¡°serious¡± networking sites like LinkedIn even if you are still a student ¡ª and work at building a network there that can help you in future job searches.

I would advise employers to cut applicants and employees some slack. You were once young too and maybe did similar things ¡ª if not publicly on the Internet. Ask yourself how relevant the information creating the negative impression is to job performance.

If you are going to do Internet searches and use them as a basis for employment decisions, you better do so consistently, without regard to any legally protected classifications, e.g. race, sex, age. You should document them.

I also agree 100% with Steven¡¯s suggestion to use social networking sites and blogs in a positive fashion in your search to find good candidates. Consider the whole person, of whom the Internet persona is not always a fully accurate reflection.

15 Tips for Writing Winning Resumes

The thought of writing a resume intimidates almost anyone. It’s difficult to know where to start or what to include. It can seem like an insurmountable task. Here are 15 tips to help you not only tackle the task, but also write a winning resume.

Determine your job search objective prior to writing the resume. Once you have determined your objective, you can structure the content of your resume around that objective. Think of your objective as the bull’s-eye to focus your resume on hitting. If you write your resume without having a clear objective in mind, it will likely come across as unfocused to those that read it. Take the time before you start your resume to form a clear objective.

Think of your resume as a marketing tool. Think of yourself as a product, potential employers as your customers, and your resume as a brochure about you. Market yourself through your resume. What are your features and benefits? What makes you unique? Make sure to convey this information in your resume.

Use your resume to obtain an interview, not a job. You don’t need to go into detail about every accomplishment. Strive to be clear and concise. The purpose of your resume is to generate enough interest in you to have an employer contact you for an interview. Use the interview to provide a more detailed explanation of your accomplishments and to land a job offer.

Use bulleted sentences. In the body of your resume, use bullets with short sentences rather than lengthy paragraphs. Resumes are read quickly. This bulleted sentence format makes it easier for someone to quickly scan your resume and still absorb it.

Use action words. Action words cause your resume to pop. To add life to your resume, use bulleted sentences that begin with action words like prepared, developed, monitored, and presented.

Lead with your strengths. Since resumes are typically reviewed in 30 seconds, take the time to determine which bullets most strongly support your job search objective. Put those strong points first where they are more apt to be read.

Play Match Game. Review want ads for positions that interest you. Use the keywords listed in these ads to match them to bullets in your resume. If you have missed any key words, add them to your resume.

Use buzzwords. If there are terms that show your competence in a particular field, use them in your resume. For marketing people, use “competitive analysis.” For accounting types, use “reconciled accounts.”

Accent the positive. Leave off negatives and irrelevant points. If you feel your date of graduation will subject you to age discrimination, leave the date off your resume. If you do some duties in your current job that don’t support your job search objective, leave them off your resume. Focus on the duties that do support your objective. Leave off irrelevant personal information like your height and weight.

Show what you know. Rather than going into depth in one area, use your resume to highlight your breadth of knowledge. Use an interview to provide more detail.

Show who you know. If you have reported to someone important such as a vice president or department manager, say so in your resume. Having reported to someone important causes the reader to infer that you are important.

Construct your resume to read easily. Leave white space. Use a font size no smaller than 10 point. Limit the length of your resume to 1-2 pages. Remember, resumes are reviewed quickly. Help the reader to scan your resume efficiently and effectively.

Have someone else review your resume. Since you are so close to your situation, it can be difficult for you to hit all your high points and clearly convey all your accomplishments. Have someone review your job search objective, your resume, and listings of positions that interest you. Encourage them to ask questions. Their questions can help you to discover items you inadvertently left off your resume. Revise your resume to include these items. Their questions can also point to items on your resume that are confusing to the reader. Clarify your resume based on this input.

Submit your resume to potential employers. Have the courage to submit your resume. Think of it as a game where your odds of winning increase with every resume you submit. You really do increase your odds with every resume you submit. Use a three-tiered approach. Apply for some jobs that appear to be beneath you. Perhaps they will turn out to be more than they appeared to be once you interview for them. Or perhaps once you have your foot in the door you can learn of other opportunities. Apply for jobs that seem to be just at your level. You will get interviews for some of those jobs. See how each job stacks up. Try for some jobs that seem like a stretch. That’s how you grow… by taking risks. Don’t rule yourself out. Trust the process. Good luck in your job search!

What does it take to win

In this ¡°flat¡± world, you gain competitive advantage by capturing the best talent, wherever they are. In Indiana or India. Gone are the days when recruiting was an administrative activity. Now it needs to be repositioned as a strategic weapon. You need to remove the gloves. Attack. And counter-attack.

Leading global recruiting strategist Dr. John Sullivan will show you how. His aggressive presentation includes topics like:

Why “but we are different” is no longer a valid excuse
How to use talent poaching to disarm competitors
How to identify, improve and build these capabilities
How to prioritize internal recruitment needs and external recruitment opportunities
How to block your employees from being poached

Get ready for an experience that will challenge your ideas about recruiting and turn you into a winner in the global war for talent.

Bank regulator issues reform guidelines

Dec.7 – China’s banking regulator issued guidelines Wednesday to encourage financial innovation by commercial lenders, such as increasing earnings made from fees and giving out less risky loans.

The guidelines will take effect next Monday, the day China will fully open its banking sector to foreign lenders in line with its commitment to the World Trade Organization.

According to Tang Shuangning, vice-chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), China’s banking industry urgently needs to speed up its financial reform to deal with rising competition after fully opening.

“Chinese commercial banks lag far behind their international counterparts in terms of financial innovation,” Tang said.

He said non-interest income generally accounts for more than 50 per cent of the total income of big international banks. But the highest rate for Chinese commercial banks from fees is less than 30 per cent and most of banks earn less than 10 per cent.

He said the guidelines are the first such document concerning financial innovation issued by the banking regulator, signalling a new stage of reform.

According to the guidelines, the CBRC will set up a sound legal environment to encourage financial innovation. The regulator will further streamline approval procedures and strengthen supervision to facilitate financial innovation.

The guidelines also emphasize the importance of risk control. They require commercial banks have a good knowledge of their businesses, risks, clients and competitors.

In addition, the guidelines clarify commercial banks’ obligations to consumers, such as correct disclosure of information, professional services, protection of assets, and offering effective complaint channels.

Despite this need for reform, Tang said, commercial banks in China have made progress in financial innovation.

The CBRC’s statistics show the trading volume of major commercial banks reached 14 trillion yuan (US$1.77 trillion) last year.

Nearly 30 Chinese banks offer renminbi wealth management services, with a total value of 130 billion yuan (US$16.46 billion).

A total of 17 foreign and Chinese banks have been approved to invest clients’ assets overseas under the qualified domestic institutional investor (QDII) programme. So far, they have launched nine QDII products, with sales of 2.3 billion yuan (US$291 million) in renminbi and US$87 million in US dollars.

But more financial innovations need to be made, Tang said.

In addition to financial reform, commercial banks are being asked to engage in public education, informing investors that they should be responsible for their own purchasing decisions.

At yesterday’s press conference Tang also said the Bank of Communications and China Construction Bank have applied to establish insurance companies.

What Employers Really Want…

If you’re a job search candidate looking to bestow gifts upon the recruiters of the world, here are seven packages they would love to unwrap this holiday season…

1. Resumes that really fit
If your resume isn’t a fit for the job, don’t send or submit it blindly! Recruiters are rewarded for fit so if your an unclear or unlikely fit, you better have an internal ally who can lobby for you.

2. Candidates that aren’t stalkers
Recruiters don’t mind a call every once in awhile for you to check in on your status or see if they are interested. But when you start to call multiple times a week (or even a day) you’ll get a shoulder colder than Minneapolis this time of year.

3. Perfect grammar and spelling
This time of year everyone in the office is looking for a laugh. So if your cover letter proclaims that “your the won for the job,” don’t be surprised if you never hear from us.

4. Commitment
Slowdowns at the office and sheer boredom may mean you start to send out resumes willy nilly. Please don’t. If you’re not serious about moving on, please don’t waste my time or yours!

5. No more vanity
As the job market starts to get stronger, candidates start to get more cocky. Please don’t focus on what’s in it for you. Instead, focus on telling me what you can do for my company.

6. Make our lives easier
Really understand what we are looking for. If you help us understand why you are the perfect candidate for the job, we can better convince other internal employees of the same thing. Make it easy for us to make your case!

7. Don’t be an online embarrassment
We’re starting to Google you and look at your MySpace and Facebook accounts. Don’t get us all excited that you’re a great candidate for us only to find out your MySpace page is full of activities that would make an employer blush!

And please, no more fruit baskets. We like coffee and chocolate.

Senior System Architect/ Lead

Company introduction:
Our client, a public company traded on the NYSE, is a worldwide leader in electronic commerce and payment services, delivers a full portfolio of card issuing and merchant processing services in more than 70 countries on six continents. With more than 30,000 employees worldwide, it has offices throughout Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa, Latin America and North America.
£ £ 
1.Provide technical support for the credit card application system within the assigned modules;
2.Liaise with users and management to identify business and information needs;
3.Capture the requirements for application services and identify the techniques and technologies that should be applied at application level;
4.Define the system and operational requirements that the computing infrastructure must support.
5.Identify the types, arrangements and relationships of software components that will be responsible for delivering user services;
6.Liaise with the applications development manager to determine the most appropriate means to achieve the acceptable performance and scalability requirements;.
7.Liaise with management to ensure that application level software components are derived from and consistent with the business objectives;
8.Keep up to date with new developments in credit card application system , mainframe, and related products and services;
9.Work independently with IT functional units and business units;
10.Recommend strategies for improving system applications; and
11.Work on complex projects and issues within functional area.
£ £ 
1.5+ yrs. of related IT experience;
2.Strong credit card application system background ;
3.Must have COBOL/CICS/VSAM experience;
4.Card experience and financial system experience,
5.Good working knowledge of IBM mainframe and LAN hardware and software facilities and capabilities;
6.Possesses strong knowledge of application development technologies, tools and methodologies.
7.Strong understanding of complex internal business processes or functions;
8.Good verbal and written communication skills in English;
9.Good interpersonal skills;
10.Good analytical skills;
11.Ability to meet deadlines;
12.Ability resolve a variety of business information problems;
13.Ability to keep abreast of the emerging technology developments.
14.Good self management skills – accept responsibility – set own goals
15.Achieve results through anticipation

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to: top’’

Job Description

Effectively developed, job descriptions are communication tools that are significant in your organization’s success. Poorly written job descriptions, on the other hand, add to workplace confusion, hurt communication, and make people feel as if they don’t know what is expected from them.

Job descriptions are written statements that describe the duties, responsibilities, required qualifications, and reporting relationships of a particular job. Job descriptions are based on objective information obtained through job analysis, an understanding of the competencies and skills required to accomplish needed tasks, and the needs of the organization to produce work. Job descriptions clearly identify and spell out the responsibilities of a specific job. Job descriptions also include information about working conditions, tools, equipment used, knowledge and skills needed, and relationships with other positions. Still uncertain about the value of job descriptions? Consider these tips about employee job descriptions.

Job descriptions provide an opportunity to clearly communicate your company direction and where the employee fits inside of the big picture.

Whether you’re a small business or a large, multi-site organization, well-written job descriptions will help you align employee direction. Alignment of the people you employ with your goals, vision, and mission spells success for your organization. As a leader, you assure the interfunctioning of all the different positions and roles needed to get the job done for the customer.

Job descriptions set clear expectations for what you expect from people. According to Ferdinand Fournies in Why Don’t Employees Do What They’re Supposed to Do and What To Do About It,” (see sidebar) this is the first place to look if people aren’t doing what you want them to do. He says you need to make certain that they clearly understand your expectations. This understanding starts with the job description.

Job descriptions help you cover all your legal bases. As an example, for compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), you’ll want to make certain the description of the physical requirements of the job is accurate. Whether you’re recruiting new employees or posting jobs for internal applicants, job descriptions tell the candidate exactly what you want in your selected person.

Clear job descriptions can help you select your preferred candidates and address the issues and questions of those people who were not selected.

Well-written job descriptions help organization employees, who must work with the person hired, understand the boundaries of the person’s responsibilities.

People who have been involved in the hiring process are more likely to support the success of the new employee or promoted co-worker. Developing job descriptions is an easy way to involve people in your organization’s success.

China largely silent on telecom strategy

HONG KONG — If the world’s telecommunications executives thought that bringing their industry’s biggest trade show to China would spur Chinese officials into opening their vast market, they were wrong — at least so far.
Government officials have avoided using the ITU Telecom World 2006 conference in Hong Kong this week to say when they would allow next-generation mobile phone networks to enter the country.

With third-generation services slow to take off in Europe and the United States, telecommunications suppliers have been counting on China to provide a major lift, and most say that they are ready to jump in whenever so-called 3G network building begins in earnest on the Chinese mainland. But, so far, the industry has encountered only delays and postponements.

At the opening ceremony for the conference on Sunday and again Monday, Chinese leaders declined to announce a timetable. Three important decisions remain: which technology China will select, which mobile phone operators will get the licenses, and when. “China will consider three standards for 3G,” Wang Xudong, the minister for the information industry, said Monday. “The timing for issuing 3G licenses will be determined by the market.”

With India and China together adding more than 12 million cellphone subscribers a month, the two countries are the fastest-growing markets for conventional networks. These networks are good for voice calls, but too slow to allow subscribers a comfortable experience surfing the “mobile Internet” on a cellphone.

With present-day mobile phone use reaching a saturation point in many industrial economies, telecommunications supply executives can seem almost wistful about the potential for 3G networks in China, a $26 billion market for such systems.

“This is for the government to decide, but there’s no negative,” said Frederic Rose, president of the Asia-Pacific region for the newly merged Alcatel- Lucent.

His boss, Patricia F. Russo, and the chief executives of Ericsson, Motorola and Nortel Networks are among those meeting here with clients, suppliers and Chinese officials. But China has shown a preference for developing and choosing its own standards, and if it does so in this case, some Western companies may be left out.

The European version of 3G is called W-CDMA, a technology with the backing of Nokia and Ericsson; one used by some American carriers is called CDMA 1000x; and China’s is called TD-SCDMA. Technically, they are related, but there is little consensus on differences in quality.

“I expect we will get some clarity by summer,” Mr. Rose said. “We expect there will be 3G networks operational in the main cities for the Olympics in September 2008.”

Alcatel-Lucent gets about a third of its revenue from the Asia-Pacific region. Mr. Rose said the company was buffered in two ways from the impact of a decision about a 3G standard. First, it is actively investing in the second-generation business, which is still growing in China.

Second, Alcatel-Lucent is prepared to jump into any of the three standards.

Its TD-SCDMA equipment, through its Shanghai Bell joint venture with Datang Communications of China, is already being used in pilot networks in the country. And since Datang owns most of the TD-SCDMA intellectual property, Alcatel-Lucent would generally not pay royalty fees to use it. (Datang is also working with Siemens.)

In addition, Alcatel-Lucent makes W-CDMA equipment for the European market. And the merger of Alcatel and Lucent Technologies brought to the combined company Lucent’s expertise in CDMA.

Chinese manufacturers are also ready. ZTE and Huawei are among the biggest pushing for the TD-SCDMA standard, and they, too, make equipment for the competing standards. They would also be eager to see companies like Nokia and Motorola give up their dominance of the second-generation network business in China.

Samsung of South Korea would like a piece of the action, as well. “We are ready to enter that market, whether it is TD-SCDMA or W-CDMA — whatever the standard,” said Jeong Han Kim, senior vice president for Samsung Electronics’ telecommunication network business. “We will be a major player in that area,” he said, citing two factories that Samsung has on the mainland.

Although 3G phone services like videoconferencing, Internet browsing and TV viewing may be more expensive than most Chinese can afford, Mr. Jeong said that “China has very big potential, so it will grow very fast.”

After three years of waiting, the telecommunications industry is still speculating. But there is one thing that companies can bank on, Mr. Rose said.

“There’s no fear that 3G won’t happen in China.”