Your resume should serve you, and not a recruiter’s possible whim

Your resume should serve you, and not a recruiter’s possible whim


THERE IS A lot of advice on how to look for a job. Sometimes it is contradictory. Much of the advice is from a human resource manager’s or recruiter’s perspective aimed at making their job easier. What you need to do is look at what is in your best interest.

Some managers involved with the hiring process frown on the use of functional resumes, for example. They prefer the chronological style. Others tell you to use the functional format in certain situations such as an extensive job history using multiple skills. So, what should you actually do?

Don’t try to please everyone! Look out for yourself. Try to get an interview.

If you don’t get an interview you have no chance of landing a job. You can always explain yourself in a face-to-face meeting. This does not mean lying on your resume or cover letter. It does mean preparing the resume and cover letter to make you look as attractive as possible.

The real reason that some managers prefer the chronological format is because they don’t want to spend the extra time having to scan a resume. They often don’t look past the most recent job. Since they have to spend extra time reviewing a functional resume looking for continuous work history and recent job skills, they don’t like them.

You must decide if because of the refusal of some managers to consider functional resumes the same as chronological, you are better off using the former style. If your resume is much stronger with a functional approach, use it — unless an employer says not to. You should have a better overall chance of finding employment.

The use of dates is another area that can be a stickler with managers. Some want to see complete information of day, month and year for every job held or period of time in school. If because of your age or special circumstances you don’t want to list complete dates, consider whether you will gain more by listing everything or using months and years or not listing any dates after 10 or more years.

For instance, this means that if you have a choppy work history where for months at a time you were not working and you probably stand little chance of finding a position if you show that on your resume, a chronological format may hinder your chances of getting an interview. You may have a few hiring managers not give you consideration in a functional format, but at least you will be considered by others.

Many hiring managers don’t like people applying who are not completely qualified for an advertised position. This is because it is more work for them to review resumes. Your goal is to get an interview, not to worry about their workload. Providing a resume that is truthful and gets you an interview should be your top consideration.

If you are partly qualified for a position and can perform the job duties — apply.

Employers don’t always get a perfect candidate. Applicants sometimes don’t take jobs that are offered. Hiring managers are often under deadlines and must fill a position.

You may be pleasantly surprised when you get an interview and an eventual offer.

So, when looking for a job, use the approach that will help you reach your goal. Use accepted guidelines within a framework that puts the percentages on your side.