White-collars’ jobs irrelevant to their study fields

White-collars’ jobs irrelevant to their study fields

Chinanews ,Beijing, November 28 ¨C A recent questionnaire survey finds that the jobs of about 80% of white-collar workers in China have nothing or very little to do with the areas of study they were trained for..

Many of them choose a ¡°strange¡± job because they don’t like their fields of study. In fact, only 42% of college students get jobs in their own fields. About 26% actually chose the fields of study at the request (or even orders) of their parents. The others were ¡°assigned¡± to major in the areas of study according to the result of the national college entrance examination.

The pressure of the job market also forces many of them to give up their dreams and pick up jobsthey don’t like at all. For example, many college graduates have become salespersons not because they have learned sales in colleges or because they enjoy the challenge of being salespersons, but because they have no choice: Salespersons are always needed in a commodity economic society.