What Employers Really Want…

What Employers Really Want…

If you’re a job search candidate looking to bestow gifts upon the recruiters of the world, here are seven packages they would love to unwrap this holiday season…

1. Resumes that really fit
If your resume isn’t a fit for the job, don’t send or submit it blindly! Recruiters are rewarded for fit so if your an unclear or unlikely fit, you better have an internal ally who can lobby for you.

2. Candidates that aren’t stalkers
Recruiters don’t mind a call every once in awhile for you to check in on your status or see if they are interested. But when you start to call multiple times a week (or even a day) you’ll get a shoulder colder than Minneapolis this time of year.

3. Perfect grammar and spelling
This time of year everyone in the office is looking for a laugh. So if your cover letter proclaims that “your the won for the job,” don’t be surprised if you never hear from us.

4. Commitment
Slowdowns at the office and sheer boredom may mean you start to send out resumes willy nilly. Please don’t. If you’re not serious about moving on, please don’t waste my time or yours!

5. No more vanity
As the job market starts to get stronger, candidates start to get more cocky. Please don’t focus on what’s in it for you. Instead, focus on telling me what you can do for my company.

6. Make our lives easier
Really understand what we are looking for. If you help us understand why you are the perfect candidate for the job, we can better convince other internal employees of the same thing. Make it easy for us to make your case!

7. Don’t be an online embarrassment
We’re starting to Google you and look at your MySpace and Facebook accounts. Don’t get us all excited that you’re a great candidate for us only to find out your MySpace page is full of activities that would make an employer blush!

And please, no more fruit baskets. We like coffee and chocolate.