The Twelve Steps of Direct Sourcing

The Twelve Steps of Direct Sourcing

Edge believes it is time to confess to your sins and embrace these Twelve Steps that will lead you to the land of milk, honey, and better candidates…

We admitted we were powerless over our fear of the phone – that newspaper ads, job boards and Internet sourcing had become limited.

Came to believe that Ma Bell – a power greater than ourselves – could provide a steady stream of potential candidates that will invigorate our careers.

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the use of the telephone as we embrace the telephone as a friend.

Made a searching and fearless metric-based inventory of sourcing channels and found these to be full of hot airs.

[You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. In what world could you possibly beat me? ~Chaucer]

Admitted to ourselves, to our bosses and to each other the exact nature of why we couldn’t get past the use of newspaper ads, job boards, Internet sourcing¡­and Gatekeepers.

We humbly ask to have our fear of the phone eviscerated.

Humbly asked our bosses to pay someone to come in and help us learn the one true path to candidate sourcing.

[She can be reached at 513 899 9628. ASK for Maureen]

Made a list of all the jobs we short-shifted and resolved to use the names we found calling directly into companies to make amends to our past hiring managers or customers.

Made direct amends to hiring managers wherever possible, except when to do so would cause them to berate us for not telephone sourcing in the first place.

Continued to take a career inventory, becoming aware when our past sourcing habits tempted to lead us astray and back into the vaporous confines of newspaper ads, job boards and Internet sourcing – and guarding vigilantly against those temptations.

Sought through telephone and some internet research and reading Sourcers Unleashed (and ASK Maureen on ERE and the Edge) daily, to improve our physical contact with potential candidates and our spiritual contact with telephone sourcing Gurus, invoking our powers to continuously improve and continuing to seek out knowledge on the subject.

Having had this career-changing awakening as the result of all these steps, we try to carry this message to other print and web-bound sourcers who only use newspaper ads, job boards and Internet sourcing, and to practice these principles in all our recruiting decisions.