Taiwan Funded Companies Top Labor Law Violators

Taiwan Funded Companies Top Labor Law Violators

The Zhuhai Labor and Social Insurance Department has concluded after their two years of labor inspections that Taiwan companies who run businesses in Zhuhai have ranked highest in labor law violations.

Local media reports that ZLSID says many of the bosses from these Taiwan companies have inadequate legal knowledge and they therefore tend to ignore the rights and interests of the workers and of their own social responsibility.

ZLSID has checked and punished 26 companies that had refused to execute the minimum wage or asked employees to work overtime. Of those, 11 are Taiwan funded companies. Some officials from the labor department say that most of the Taiwan companies are labor intensive enterprises, so they face a shortage of labor, and that’s why they often asked the employees to work extra hours. Besides, as the bosses of these companies know little about the mainland’s labor laws or they intentionally disregard the employees’ rights, they pay the employees less or even deduct money their salaries.

ZLSID says it will now focus on fixing the illegal behavior of Taiwanese companies as the next stage of its work.