Salary rise of 8-15% for skilled talents

Salary rise of 8-15% for skilled talents

SKILLED professionals in China are receiving an average pay rise of 8-15 percent this year as demand for talents continues in the information technology sector, ZW HR Consulting said in a report yesterday.

However, those “with desired skills such as leadership capabilities, on-the-job experience and language proficiency can receive up to a 25 percent rise in salary,” said Frank Yu, chairman of ZW HR Consulting.

He added that candidates are now getting 8-15 percent increase in salary.

The pay rise and growth in recruitment this year will continue to be as active as last year as employers pursue a small pool of workers with strong technical and business skills, the firm said from analysis of job placements and interviews with firms and job seekers.

The IT sector will continue to outperform and drive growth in 2016 as demand will be particularly high for specialists, mobile engineers and software developers, ZW said, adding that engineers in research and development are also highly sought-after.

“We anticipate high levels of hiring activity will continue throughout 2016. Many companies are still positive when it comes to their hiring activities,” said Yu .

Demand for professionals in digital marketing, client relationship management and e-commerce continues to exceed the supply of candidates as online businesses in China are set to grow rapidly, according to the report.