Recruiting Survey: Employers Make Shallow Use of Employee Talent Pools, and Fewer Properly Communicate

Recruiting Survey: Employers Make Shallow Use of Employee Talent Pools, and Fewer Properly Communicate

White paper based on survey results says a small number of companies have talent pools, but do not adequately communicate with prospects.

Pleasant Prairie, WI (PRWEB via HRMarketer) November 7, 2006 — Only 22 percent of respondents who have built “talent pools” regularly communicate with their prospects, reports an annual survey of recruiting professionals by TalentPen, provider of a web-based candidate collection and personality matching tool. A white paper summarizing this survey can be downloaded at

¡°The lack of direct communications is turning off candidates,¡± according to Nick Burkholder, founding of He is quoted by the white paper as considering candidate communications as ¡°a huge opportunity for improvement in most organizations.¡±

¡°Even Starbucks, which does maintain a talent pool, has said that the pool can¡¯t keep up with its growth (about 300 new hires a day),¡± states the paper.

The white paper offers tips to employers, including the development of ¡°talent pools¡± and active communication with prospects. Using personality assessments in recruiting is also cited as a key measurement for how an employee fits a company¡¯s culture, which directly impacts their loyalty.

Employers who don¡¯t follow this advice will pay a high price, according to the paper. ¡°Conservative industry estimates put the cost of turnover at 1.5 times that of salary,¡± explains Michael Sproul, president of TalentPen. ¡°Some companies are reporting a six-fold expenditure above salary when hidden costs such as ¡®chain reaction¡¯ turnover and lost productivity are factored in.¡±

Most recruiting professionals who responded to the survey were from companies with populations of 100 to 1,000 employees. More than a quarter of these respondents were from service companies. Other industries represented include healthcare, manufacturing, education, and financial services.

TalentPen, a web-based candidate collection and matching tool, measures personalities, job preferences and qualifications, collects them into private talent pools and matches them to employers with appropriate cultures. Candidates don¡¯t apply for a specific job, but instead complete personality profiles for placement into expandable talent networks.

About eBullpen, LLC
Based in Pleasant Prairie, WI, eBullpen, LLC helps employers and job seekers alike find better employment matches by putting personality matching up front in the candidate sourcing process. eBullpen created the TalentPen candidate collection and matching system to give employers an edge in talent acquisition and the tools for improving the hire — not just the hiring process. TalentPen allows employers to incorporate eBullpen¡¯s proven assessment techniques and technologies into their existing career site or ATS. With either system, the end result is a streamlined hiring process and a faster placement of qualified candidates who fit a company¡¯s culture.

For more information, visit

Media Note: To arrange phone or personal interviews with Michael Sproul, CEO of eBullpen or other appropriate executives, contact:

Bruce Brough at 831-234-9297, or Matt Pitchford at 317-460-0250

This press release was distributed through eMediawire by Human Resources Marketer (HR Marketer: on behalf of the company listed above.