Questions Job Candidates May Ask Your Company–part 1

Questions Job Candidates May Ask Your Company–part 1

Here are some questions that applicants may ask recruiters, managers,
HR pros, and others. Some of them you may start hearing more often as
the balance of power continues to tilt toward employees.

Do you know the answers to these questions? Some of them you may
start hearing more often as the balance of power continues to tilt
toward employees. Others, you’ll never hear from a candidate’s mouth.
Still, asking yourself these questions — and finding out or
exploring the answers — can give you a deeper understanding of your

? Questions for Headhunters and Recruiters
? Questions for HR
? Questions for Hiring Managers
? High-level Probing Questions
? Questions That Are Defensive
? Questions Designed to Get Feedback
? Questions Designed to Close the Deal
? Questions Stars May Ask

Questions for Headhunters and Recruiters

1. How did you find me?
2. Is this a retainer or contingency assignment?
3. Are you dealing with the client’s HR people, or do you
have direct contact with the hiring manager?
4. How long has the client been with you?
5. How many candidates have you placed with this client?
6. When will I find out the name of the principal or client
7. May I have a written job description?
8. Where is the position located?
9. Where is the company headquartered?
10. To whom does the position report?
11. Can you tell me about this executive’s management style?
12. Why is the position open?
13. What happened to the person who previously held this position?
14. Is this a new position?
15. How long has the position been open?
16. How long have you been working on the assignment?
17. What does the position pay?
18. Are here any pay or compensation constraints that I
should take into consideration?
19. What can you tell me about the person who will
be interviewing me?
20. What is his or her position, title, management style?
21. Who will make the final hiring decision?
22. After you present my resume, when can I expect to hear
from you regarding the status of this position?
23. Can you describe, specifically, how the
company navigates/balances work? and personal-life issues?
24. What might I do that would violate the culture of the
company during my interview?