Private Firms Launch Charity To Provide Employment Opportunities In China

Private Firms Launch Charity To Provide Employment Opportunities In China

With the approach of the 17th National Disabled Day, Jiang Xipei, chairman of Far East Holding Group, has announced that his company would unite with five private firms to set up a charity to promote employment opportunities for China’s 83 million handicapped people.

The first batch of firms that have joined the fund include Yurun Group, Hongdou Holding, LAD Group, Yuexing Group, Eastide Group and Fast East Holding Group. Named the Far East Fund, it is one of the largest non-government sponsored charity funds to provide employment opportunities for disabled people. The money they raise will be used to sponsor projects which provide job training and services for handicapped people, and to give awards to outstanding handicapped people and to people who have done a lot to help the handicapped in China.

China has 83 million handicapped people but only 23 million are employed. Around 9 million employable handicapped people have no jobs, and their number increases by 300,000 a year.

Local media reports the Far East Fund has raised more than RMB100 million to date and expects to garner another RMB100 million within a year.