paper-making reconstituted tobacco technology and process development (hl032sh)

paper-making reconstituted tobacco technology and process development (hl032sh)

1. Job Objectives

1High quality reconstituted sheet technology and process; material classification and quality control; material formula; process research under the condition of high speed driving only
using tobacco material; extract condensation process and equipment cleaning; physical and chemical indices meet national standards, sensory quality superior products of Modi Company and tobacco leaf quality reach certain grade; tobacco material yield above 85%; establish documents of formula management, process parameters, operation procedure, technical standard, testing method and equipment maintenance etc. For products categorized as superior (first and second grade cigarettes), solve the problem of negative sensation influence, endow the brand with unique characters;

2Inferior reconstituted sheet technology and process: reduce cost by using wood pulp cellulose and inorganic fillings; overall quality superior or equal to products of similar international company, price much lower than domestic cost. For medium and inferior product (third, fourth and fifth grade cigarette) solve the problem of negative sensation influence and endow the brand with neutral characters

2. Job Requirments

1Gender, nationality and age are not limited, university degree or above;

2Have working experience of similar research and application
in international tobacco company;

3Have solid foundation of basic theoretical knowledge in paper-making and tobacco sheet;

4Capable of being an academic leader of the project and accomplish this job objective effectively.

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