Official:Post-Olympic employment to remain stable

Official:Post-Olympic employment to remain stable

Growth in employment should stay stable after the Olympics. This is according to the Vice Minister of Labor and Social Security, who made the announcement on Friday.

Hu Xiaoyi says close to 10 million more people have been employed every year in urban areas over the last few years, with the figure rising to 12 million last year. Hu Xiaoyi also says the Olympics has promoted industrial development thus far, but that any boost from the Games will only have a temporary effect. He stressed that development in the employment sector should be judged in the context of the overall economic situation.

For example, wild fluctuations in the global economy has cut down on job-creation in some industries. But, even so, figures show new jobs for up to 6.4 million people in urban areas for the first half of the year. That’s 64 percent of the projected 10 million for the whole of 2008.