Millennium BCP opens new branch to enhance business opportunities

Millennium BCP opens new branch to enhance business opportunities

The Portuguese bank Millennium BCP (Banco Comercial Português S.A.) yesterday celebrated its new branch in the territory, located at the Finance and IT Center of Macau building, in Avenida Comercial de Macau. In a launching ceremony held yesterday at MGM Macau, the CEO of BCP, Nuno Amado, emphasized the new branch “has more space and provides an excellent environment to further develop businesses.”

With branches in Macau, China, Angola, Mozambique and Poland, the Millennium BCP is hoping to enhance business opportunities within Portuguese-speaking countries. “This new branch allows the further development of BCP not only in Macau, but also in other countries we are represented in,” Amado explained. Nuno Amado revealed there are two main goals and areas of business behind the new branch launch: “We wish to develop our operations within the triangle China-Africa-Portugal, as we have a language and history in common. We also intend to see the Renminbi market evolve, since it is a business which is not that developed yet, so I believe we should focus on this area.” Moreover, he added that “there are more and more Chinese companies investing in Macau, so this is definitely an area where BCP could evolve.”

The CEO of Banco Comercial Português S.A. emphasized that the Macau branch recorded “a significant growth” in 2012, almost tripling the results of the previous year. Following such results, the bank plans to increase its workforce.

“We need to recruit more staff and we are able to expand by having these new facilities,” he added.

Furthermore, Nuno Amado highlighted the role of the Macau branch as a platform “to promote business opportunities between Chinese enterprises and companies in Portugal, Brazil, Angola and Mozambique.” Building a bridge between the East and the West seems to be one of the challenges the Macau branch is ready and willing to face.

The new branch launch ceremony included a ribbon cutting formality with the presence of several personalities, such as Wan Sin Long, a board member of the Monetary Authority of Macau, Vítor Sereno, the Consul General of Portugal in Macau and Hong Kong, the director of Banco Comercial Português S.A., José João Pãozinho, the Senior Assistant Director-General of Economic Affairs Department of Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macau and Conceição Lucas, the Executive Director of BCP, among others.

Results of Millennium BCP in Macau tripled in 2012

The results of the Portuguese bank Millennium BCP in Macau have tripled in 2012, the director of Banco Comercial Português S.A., José João Pãozinho, revealed yesterday. During the new branch launching ceremony, held yesterday at MGM Macau, the director of BCP announced the bank made MOP 177.7 million in profit, more than MOP 11 billion in deposits and MOP 10 billion in loans. According to José João Pãozinho, “the results have tripled” compared to numbers from the previous year. In his opinion, the great results are mainly the outcome of “a significant growth in the credit portfolio and good results in terms of clients’ deposits.” He concluded saying that “the branch registered extraordinary results following the development of a business platform that Portuguese companies have put in place in Macau and China”.