Key Datang Mobile Employees Migrate to China Mobile

Key Datang Mobile Employees Migrate to China Mobile

Datang Mobile VP Yang Guiliang has handed in his resignation and will soon leave the company. He is the third executive to leave the firm, with former president Yang Ru’an having quit last November.

A number of executives and key employees have left the firm, including VP Cai Luwu, VP and Chief Engineer Li Feng, Strategy Department GM Ge Sijing and Partnership Department GM Zhao Sen. One reason for the departures is changes in IPO plans for the Datang Group, which means these employees will not receive incentives.

A source close to Datang Mobile said that Zhao has moved to the TD-SCDMA Alliance, while most of the other departed employees will go to China Mobile’s (NYSE: CHL; 0941.HK) TD-SCMDA department, saying that “China Mobile is currently recruiting TD-SCDMA personnel, with twenty employees from Datang Mobile’s Beijing office alone moving to China Mobile.”