Job Search in Overdrive

Job Search in Overdrive

At the beginning of the New Year, we urged candidates to get their searches started off right. With the New Year comes new hope and the realization that there might be a better job out there. Well, as the first month of 2007 draws to a close, recruiters need to prepare themselves for the onslaught of candidates who are ready to take the necessary steps to find the right position. We¡¯re now in the midst of what is generally the busiest season for recruiters:

¡±We¡¯ve always seen a spike in activity throughout January as people resolve to build a better life in the New Year. But it seems this is compounded by the poor weather and in particular the lack of daylight at this time of year, which contributes to a poor sense of wellbeing. It seems depression is the motivating factor for many a job search: ¡®I¡¯m unhappy = perhaps a new job might make me happy¡¯ seems to be the train of thought.¡± (From Recruiter Magazine)

It¡¯s not just depression that leads quiet and active candidates to move their searches into high gear at this time of year. Bonus structures, vacation time, and advancement opportunities are often determined by where you are and how you¡¯re doing in the early months of the year. So, as things pick up, it¡¯s important for recruiters to communicate with candidates and hiring managers in order to make the right match. It¡¯s also important to realize that you might be inundated with even more resumes than usual, which means you¡¯ll need to spend a little extra time responding to candidates.

For candidates, realize that the market can be a little flooded right now. This doesn¡¯t mean you shouldn¡¯t get involved. It just means you need to be as prepared as you possibly can:

¡±We all know that your resume is key to your job search. January is a great time to make sure it is up-to-date.

¡±Think about your target job, employer, and overall market. Make sure your resume is tailored to the outcome you want. Include industry key words and format your resume according to any industry standards.¡± (From Job Tuition)

Take the time to get your materials in order and to do the research that will help you better understand what specific companies are looking for and what you have to offer them.

As always, good luck to all involved as the job search heats up.