HR: Online interviews help graduates get jobs

HR: Online interviews help graduates get jobs

Attending a face-to-face interview in the cyberworld may help you get a job in reality.
Two national employment service websites, and, will hold online job fairs from December 22 to 28 and from March 12 to 18, aiming to broaden employment channels for university graduates.

More than 4000 enterprises, including some State-owned enterprises, will release 50,000 items of employment information via Internet during the two weeks.

Using webcam technology, the two websites will enable applicants to have a face-to-face online interview with an employer, saving time spent traveling to interviews and making the job search more efficient for job seekers.

With the number of students graduating from university in 2007 expected to reach 4.95 million, 820,000 more than in 2006, the employment situation for university graduates is becoming increasingly difficult.

In order to help more university graduates fine jobs, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, National Development and Reform Commission and State-owned Assets and Administration Commission in November decided to jointly launch special employment service websites and provide online job fairs.