How Do Executives Find Jobs

How Do Executives Find Jobs

You make six figures, you have the office in the corner, and you¡¯re used to calling the shots. You¡¯re a high-level exec, and you have been for a while. You¡¯ve got a great understanding of your industry and business as a whole, and you do a fine job of motivating those you work with. You¡¯re education is enviable and so is your experience. So why are you totally confused when it comes to the job search?

Of all of the groups of employees out there, many believe that executives are the most misguided when it comes to conducting an effective job search:

¡°It¡¯s surprising how many executives I work with think all they have to do is float their resume to a couple of headhunters, then wait for interviews and offers to flood in.

After all, they have a great track record¡­ industry expertise¡­ name-brand employment¡­ stair-step career progression¡­ maybe an Ivy League education. What more could any recruiter (or employer) want?¡± (From Executive Career Management)

The author goes on to highlight all of the different steps executives need to take to get hired including networking, targeted searches, quiet search strategies, and more. They¡¯re all important, and they ensure that executives won¡¯t have their resumes fall into the abyss as so many resumes do.
Now, recent studies have shown that executives, like many others, would prefer to and expect to use an online job board to find their next job:

¡°They recently asked the visitors to the WEDDLE¡¯s Web site to tell where they expect to find their next job. A total of 1,270 people participated in the survey. Here¡¯s how they think they¡¯ll be successful in future job search campaigns:

57.6% Responding to an ad posted on an Internet job board
16.8% Networking at business and social events¡­
Since it is accepted wisdom that most executive level jobs are found via some form of networking, this points to a major disconnect in the minds of employment seekers and the real world.¡± (From Executive Resumes)

So, executives expect to find their jobs online, but right now that¡¯s not the best way to go for them. Well, we say let¡¯s make it the best way to go. Networking will always play a large role in the job search, but if executives can¡¯t find what they¡¯re looking for online, maybe it¡¯s the searches and not the executives that are expereincing the disconnect. The fact that you¡¯re looking for a higher salary than many others or that you¡¯re in search of a top-level position shouldn¡¯t keep you from finding the right job match online.

An online search that facilitates communication and information exchange; one that allows executives to do more than just ¡°float their resume to a couple of headhunters,¡± and one that attracts top companies and top talent will allow executives to use the online job search as a primary tool in finding their next position.
