High-tech firms encouraged to recruit more graduates

High-tech firms encouraged to recruit more graduates

Chinese high-tech enterprises have been encouraged to find more vacancies for graduates due to the country’s mounting employment pressure.

High-tech companies are working hard to recruit more than 950,000 of the record-high 6.99 million graduates this year, according to science and technology minister Wan Gang.

More than 3.62 million university graduates have been employed by the country’s 49,000 high-tech companies since a regulation dedicated to develop such firms was introduced in 2008, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

“High-tech enterprises should actively bear social responsibility and take the lead in terms of providing graduates with more suitable positions,” said Wan.

The number of Chinese graduates will rise 3 percent year on year during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015), said Xin Changxing, vice minister of human resources and social security.

China’s high-tech enterprises are largely located in the country’s first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.