Follow-up: Foxconn Promises To Pay Security Guards Before Spring Festival

Follow-up: Foxconn Promises To Pay Security Guards Before Spring Festival

February 1, 2008
Foxconn has told local media that with the coordination of the Shenzhen Labor Department, it has reached an agreement with the security guards who asked for more pay and will pay them before the Spring Festival holiday.

Foxconn says that the security guards’ request for back-pay was caused by some misunderstandings. A rumor that Foxconn will dismiss all securities guards had made the guards uneasy, and the salary the guards are receiving right now has already included the back-pay, but the security guards were unaware of this, according to the company. Foxconn says that it is reviewing its salary structure and revising it according to the Labor Contract Law in China.

Foxconn claims that it has signed an intercession letter with the security guards and will compensate them for the extra work hours before the Spring Festival based on the business accounting of the labor department. However, Foxconn has not disclosed the accounting results of the labor department.

Foxconn has also made a response to the report that it has put one of the security guards under house arrest, saying that the person was actually transferred to work at another factory of Foxconn under his own decision.

On January 29, more than 200 security guards of Foxconn gathered at the gate of company to ask for more payment for their extra work and another 40 went to Shenzhen Municipal Labor Department to appeal for help.