Employment in Shenzhen to recover

Employment in Shenzhen to recover

The employment situation across China has begun to show signs of recovery thanks to stimulus policies initiated by the central government. Especially those policies aimed at ensuring growth and employment.

New figures show the major economic index in Shenzhen is continuing to climb. They also show that native brand enterprises such as Huawei and Zhongxin Communication have maintained over 20 percent growth between January and April. And the increase in orders has directly stimulated employment demand. The Shenzhen Labor department reported that the job supply and demand ratio in January was 0.74. But in May, that ratio expanded to just over 1.08, slightly easing the situation.

Lai Yuewen, Employment Dept. Shenzhen Labor & Social Security, says, “we believe the warming-up of the human resources market in April and May shows that our economy in the city is getting rid of the stress, gradually brought upon by the global financial crisis.”