Cisco eager to lay out India plans

Cisco eager to lay out India plans

Cisco, the world’s biggest computer-networking equipment maker, clocked 40% rise in profit. The company said that the profits rose as customers upgraded their communications systems for video. CEO John Chambers lists out the company’s India plans going forward. CNBC-TV18 has more.

we have always been successful in recruiting some of the best and brightest wherever we go, but it does speak about both our commitment to Asia and our admiration for what countries like China and India are doing in terms of the numbers of engineers that graduate, and the environment they are creating,?says CEO, John Chambers.

Clearly hinting towards what one can expect from Cisco here in Asia, he further says, see us expand in China, specially in Shanghai, you’ll see us expand in Bangalore in India.?/FONT>

we have moved our Chief Globalisation Officer there, which really speaks to not just supporting that region, but supports our entire global operations from that region. So there a major commitment there; I think we will recruit well there and attract the talent well,?he concludes.