Chinese, Swiss minds unite

Chinese, Swiss minds unite

THE city’s top universities will be assisted in funds and human resources by a Swiss science organization.

Fudan and Tongji universities are on the recipient list, according to yesterday’s Science and Technology Forum, which has the theme “Innovation for the Future.”

The event was hosted by the Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai and the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality. The Swissnex Shanghai, a science and technology center founded by the Swiss Education and Research Institution, an affiliated organization with the Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai, will begin operations in autumn.

About six Chinese and six Swiss scientists will work in the center, promoting cooperation between the top universities in the two countries.

The center will set up a foundation to award outstanding scientists from the universities. Students who make innovations in science and technology will also be rewarded.

“It’s the first time that we have set up such a science and technology center in Shanghai,” said Charles Kleiber, secretary of the institution.

“We chose Shanghai as the priority city because it has many common grounds with Switzerland, a place with a huge population and little resources, but always making efforts to promote innovations in science and technology.”