Chinese firms start new hires amid economic recovery

Chinese firms start new hires amid economic recovery

Chinese employment service providers said domestic firms have started a fresh round of hiring, especially for management level position, as part of the efforts to cash in on the economic recovery, but most of these firms are still finding it hard to get the right candidates.

Three industries — real estate, hi-tech and retailing — are at the forefront of the current round of hiring, according to Wednesday’s China Daily.

Wang Shangfeng, general manager of Gold Elite, a major Chinese job hunter, was quoted as saying the past few months have been the worst ever for the company. Demand (from clients) for new labor shrank sharply since the financial crisis broke out. Some private companies were watching while others, especially international companies, stopped hiring.

The company’s business has improved since early June. Like GoldElite, DoWelljoin Hunter, another employment service provider, also sees clients back for new hires last month. Its business has grown by 40 percent last month compared with the previous months. The growth rate was even higher than a year earlier.

However, companies in China are still finding it difficult to get the right candidates for the wanted positions, said a survey by Manpower.

According to the survey, 15 percent of the employers are struggling to fill up positions. The top three jobs that they are having difficulties to fill up this year are technicians, management or executives and sales representatives.