China’s seven golden industries in 2010

China’s seven golden industries in 2010 and have sponsored human resource experts to analyze China’s job market in 2010 on the basis of trends in China’s economic development. Job hunters may wish to use this as a reference.

Position: On-site interpreter

Annual salary: 400,000 yuan

On-site interpreters have been labeled as the most desirable professional in the 21st century. As China adopts more international standards, economic exchanges with the outside world and international activities in China are increasing. This has resulted in an urgent demand for more on-site interpreters.

An on-site interpreter’s salary depends on their work hours. Typical pay is 4,000—8,000 yuan per hour. According to information, an increasing number of large foreign enterprises will set up branches in China and Beijing in the next 4 years, and on-site interpreters will enjoy steadily increasing salaries.

Position: logistics engineer

Annual salary: 100,000 yuan at present

According to statistics released by relevant Chinese institutions, demand for logistics personnel is expanding sharply. At present, China faces a shortage of 6 million logistics personnel. Statistics also show that many logistics engineers were previously engaged in other work and very few have received professional training.

At present, only 21 percent of China’s logistics professionals have university education. According to information, Shell Group offers between 6,000 and 8,000 yuan per month to fresh graduates the company employs in China.

Reporters learned that the industry will grow significantly in the next year. “At present, the basic annual salary of a logistics professional is 70,000 yuan. As the world’s energy resources are shrinking, relevant Chinese professionals may receive higher salaries in four years.”

Position: Environmental engineer

Annual salary: 80,000 — 100,000 yuan

Statistics show that there are only 130,000 people specializing in environmental protection in China, including 80,000 technicians. Judging from the number of environmental protection personnel in developed countries, China now needs 420,000 environmental engineers.

According to industry experts, the monthly salary of a park or garden designer, or a landscape gardener is about 7,000—8,000 yuan. With the development of China’s real estate industry, the annual income of an environmental engineer will reach between 80,000 and 100,000 yuan next year.

Position: 3G engineer

Annual Salary: from 150,000 — 200,000 yuan

According to statistics released by CCW Research, China has a shortage of more than 500,000 3G professionals.

Due to the serious shortage of 3G personnel, the basic annual salary of a 3G engineer will reach between 150,000 and 200,000 yuan in 4 years.

According to, some trends indicate that the annual salary of personnel specializing in wireless value-added services who have 2.5G technology skills is about 100,000 yuan. The salary of these individuals will certainly increase when the actual deployment of 3G technology becomes a reality.

Position: Network media professional

Annual salary: 100,000 — 120,000 yuan

Industry experts revealed that the monthly salary for a website editor currently stands at about 5,000 yuan while the salary for a manager is between 8,000 and 10,000 yuan.

“When the network media industry is able to reap a higher advertising revenue in four years time, the salary of relevant professionals will inevitably rise.” This editor is quite confident about this industry.

According to this editor’s estimation, the annual income for a network media professional should reach between 100,000 and 120,000 yuan in the future.

Position: Network architect

Annual salary: 100,000 — 200,000 yuan

According to, the basic annual salary for a network architect who has just graduated from university and has no social experience is 80,000 yuan.

As Chinese consumers demand better network architecture services ranging from network construction to network use, and advice on work flow and resource strategy, network architects will earn more in the future.

Position: Actuary

Annual salary: 120,000 — 150,000 yuan

According to statistics released by relevant Chinese institutions, less than 10 Chinese actuaries have been accredited by the international insurance community.