China to recruit foreign experts through Internet

China to recruit foreign experts through Internet

Foreigners who intend to work in China can have interviews with employers in China through the Internet.

From May 29 to June 4 this year, an online recruitment campaign will be launched by China Association for International Exchange of Personnel.

Foreign job hunters just log on, view the vacancies, submit their resumes, and ask to “meet” and “talk” with the employers through an audio-visual interaction system on the web.

The whole process is free and there is no need of downloading any plugs. It is the first time that such face-to-face online international recruitment has been made possible in China.

More than 500 Chinese educational institutions and companies have registered on the web site and more than 4,000 foreign job seekers have put forward their resumes there.

The web site also links with the world’s top three English teacher associations: TESOL, TESL Canada and IATEFL.

An incomplete statistics show that some 100,000 foreign teachers and experts are working in China. Nearly 5,000 universities and colleges have been approved by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs to have foreign teachers.

By People’s Daily Online