China Mobile’s upgrade bid

China Mobile’s upgrade bid

BEIJING, June 18 — China Mobile has invested heavily in upgrading networks to consolidate its leading position in both 2G and 3G eras, Shanghai Daily learned yesterday.

The world’s biggest mobile carriers by subscribers has signed two IT companies to upgrade the networks, including its trial 3G network, during Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan’s visit to the United States for the economic summit.

Alcatel-Lucent, the world’s biggest telecom equipment maker, said it had signed a 1 billion U.S. dollars framework agreement for 2008 with China Mobile to provide mobile communication equipment and services.

The agreement was secured through Alcatel-Lucent’s flagship company in China, Alcatel Shanghai Bell.

“We are delighted to be selected to continue providing solutions and services to China Mobile. China Mobile is one of our company’s main strategic cooperation partners,” Olivia Qiu, Alcatel Shanghai Bell’s president, said.

The agreement signing ceremony was witnessed by Wang in Washington.

Under the frame agreement, Alcatel-Lucent will provide China Mobile with mobile core and wireless network solutions, TD-SCDMA equipment, applications, transmission and IP router equipment and the related services.

Meanwhile, Sun Microsystems Inc also announced a framework agreement with China Mobile on IT products and services projects in 2008. Sun will provide China Mobile with IT products and relevant services at an estimated price of some 34.8 million dollars.