China-Based Employees Demand More Perks, Better Salaries

China-Based Employees Demand More Perks, Better Salaries

By Kathy Chen and Peter Wonacott

From The Wall Street Journal Online

China’s office workers may not know who Dilbert is, but many are feeling the pain of the popular cartoon character who works long hours for a soulless corporation.

And they are starting to fight back.

PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Beijing office recently has seen a rash of resignations in its auditing division, and, in July, a group of senior auditors approached the firm’s partners to complain about what they described as paltry pay and long hours.

“People felt that they were doing a very good job, but their salary increases weren’t ideal,” says one auditor who quit the firm this summer after working there several years, partly because of the long hours. To top it off, he says, even though senior auditors often worked until 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. each night and on weekends, they weren’t eligible for overtime pay (though they could take time off).

PricewaterhouseCoopers quietly settled the dispute by agreeing to pay all of their auditors overtime and to issue annual bonuses early. “We hadn’t done the best job communicating with staff, which happens when we’re so busy,” says Dave McCann, the firm’s partner in charge of human resources in China. “Now we’re starting more communications.”

Problems are brewing in the cubicles at multinationals in China. As business booms, foreign companies are pressuring local employees to be more productive, even as budgets — and salaries — remain tight. The trend coincides with some fundamental changes in China’s white-collar work force: No longer satisfied with just a job at a brand-name foreign firm, many Chinese professionals aspire to more leisure time and other accoutrements of a middle-class lifestyle. They also are showing greater awareness of their legal rights under labor laws.

The result is that labor friction, once confined to factories and unprofitable state enterprises, is seeping into the offices of multinationals in China. “At first, Chinese employees [at these companies] felt the salaries were higher, so they put up with the conditions. But gradually, they have become more and more dissatisfied and want to see improvements,” says Zou Zhen, a division chief at the state-backed All-China Federation of Trade Unions.

Adds Frank Gallo, head of the Beijing office of human-resources consulting firm Watson Wyatt Worldwide, “Companies need to be more conscious of people’s needs.”

A multinational job in China is still much cushier than working for a state-run company. While workers may be under more pressure to perform, monthly salaries are equivalent to $400 for receptionists and $3,500 for engineers, for example. Wages at state-run enterprises usually range from $50 a month to $200, although some are starting to pay more-competitive salaries.

Foreign firms also offer more opportunities to go abroad and to learn modern skills. Meanwhile, many of the former perks offered by state-run employers — job security, shorter hours — are fast disappearing as they, too, come under competitive pressures.

The number of labor disputes is rising, too. Last year, Chinese arbitration authorities heard some 226,000 cases involving more than 800,000 employees, up 23% and 31%, respectively, from 2002. Mary Gallagher, an assistant professor of political science at the University of Michigan, says that while foreign companies prefer to settle disputes internally, they also are seeing a rise in the number of cases.

But some workers are taking their multinational employers to court. Last fall, more than a dozen former managers at MSD China, a joint venture between Merck & Co. and a Chinese pharmaceuticals company, filed suit against the company alleging that they were fired over wrongful charges of misconduct. The firings took place around the time Merck was conducting global layoffs, and the Chinese employees believe the company fired them to avoid paying severance packages.

Alice Chin, MSD’s head of external affairs, says the company terminated certain employees because “they violated the company’s policies and procedures.” She says several cases have been settled through arbitration, while others are pending in China’s arbitration and court systems.

In April two Chinese workers sued Shanghai ADT Facilities Management Co. after they were fired for allegedly breaking company rules. A General Motors Corp. joint venture had hired workers from Shanghai ADT for low-skilled tasks, such as cleaning services. These employees worked at the GM site, but weren’t given health benefits or a work contract, and paychecks were delayed, says Qiu Jie, a director of the Labor Law Aid Center at the East China University of Politics and Law in Shanghai, which advised the employees. The arbitration panel ordered Shanghai ADT to pay them back wages and erase the rule-breaking allegation.

Shanghai ADT, a joint venture between Knight Facilities Management Inc. of Saginaw, Michigan, and two Shanghai companies, including GM’s passenger-car partner, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp., declined to comment. Shanghai GM said it wasn’t aware of the dispute. Shanghai GM said any such situation would mean it would “take immediate action to demand the supplier provide all the necessary information and labor contracts…to address the issue.”

Some Chinese professionals also are getting riled over the often-huge differences in pay between local and expatriate staff. Under China’s old centrally planned economy, workers were paid roughly the same. These days, pay scales are uneven, and working elbow-to-elbow with highly paid expats stokes resentment, says S. Prakash Sethi, a professor at the City University of New York’s Baruch College who advises multinationals on codes of conduct. He says similar workplace frictions are playing out in other countries where skilled local professionals are in demand, such as India.

In this environment, some trade-union officials see an opening to expand their membership among white-collar workers in foreign companies, one-third of which are unionized. China’s unions fall under the umbrella of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, which traditionally has been closer to management than workers.

Some multinationals are trying to adjust their policies pre-emptively to meet the changing needs of their workers — and of their own fast-growing operations in China. Merck, which has a female-heavy work force, says it has introduced flextime for working mothers and opportunities for managers to work in the U.S.

PricewaterhouseCoopers, whose annual revenue is growing more than 30%, is revving up hiring and becoming more selective about which projects it takes on. “With our China practice becoming more mature,” says Johnny Chen, partner in charge of the firm’s Beijing office, “we need to focus more on retaining the qualified accountants we have recruited and trained.”

— Kersten Zhang contributed to this article.