Carbohydrate chemistry research and product development (hl031sh)

Carbohydrate chemistry research and product development (hl031sh)

1. Job Objective

1Improve taste; decrease bitterness and increase natural sweetness; enhance cool sensation and reduce hotness and dryness; improve mouth freshness and reduce staleness;

2Improve the aroma and taste of inferior cigarette by utilizing carbohydrate and ammon chemistry.

2. Job Requirements

1Gender, nationality and age are not limited, university degree or above;

2Have working experience of similar research and application
in international tobacco company;

3Have solid foundation of basic theoretical knowledge in chemistry of tobacco, smoke and carbohydrate;

4Capable of being an academic leader of this project and accomplish the job objective effectively.

* Please send us your complete resume (in Chinese and in English) to: ‘'(Please replace “#” with “@”)
* In the email subject please include the position name and job #