All posts by ChinaJob

Recruiting Value

Contributed by Mohammed Senin of Clownfish Marketing

According to the latest research from the Carbon Trust, consumers are more likely to buy products and services from a business they think is tackling climate change¡­ Euan Murray, strategy manager at the Carbon Trust, said: “There has been a definite shift in behaviour. Fifty-three per cent of people felt that in the last year, climate change had become more of an issue for them¡­Consumers want to use their purchasing power to reduce their carbon footprint and that of the UK as a whole¡±.

This is further confirmation of what many other articles and reports have already claimed. And in order for consumers to make easy and quick purchasing decisions, they need brands. Brands help to ¡°edit¡± choices on their behalf, saving them the need for exhaustive research and allowing them to behave in the way they want.

I don¡¯t disagree with that but I would like to put a slightly different concept out there¡­

Sustainability initiatives are often driven from the most senior levels of organisations. It has become the vogue for large companies to boast positions such as ¡®Chief Ethics Officer¡¯ or ¡®Director in Charge of the Environment¡¯ to bolster their claims to good governance. This is nothing more than window dressing unless the ethics and values of sustainability and social responsibility are embedded throughout the organisation and the brand that it brings to market.

For example, the performance and remuneration of individual staff is often assessed against ¡°key performance indicators¡± that have little to do with values or sustainability. Few are the companies that reward their staff for reducing their carbon footprint or developing socially beneficial products.

The human resources industry has a lot to contribute here, since HR directors are closely involved in the development of job descriptions, performance criteria, and remuneration structures. If HR is equipped with the knowledge and support to do so, it can start introducing ethical, environmental, social and values-based criteria into this process. This is one of the most effective ways to infuse such values into the lifeblood of the corporate machine.

WWF¡¯s recent report, ¡®Let Them Eat Cake¡± (downloadable from found that the majority of employees consider themselves to care more about sustainability than their employers do. Furthermore, very few companies reward employees for environmental and social performance. Only 6% were rewarded for carrying out environmental and social screening of suppliers and associates; a meagre 11% were encouraged to consider the environmental and social impacts of what they were marketing; and only 6% were encouraged by their employers to support environmental causes.

This trend must be reversed. Brands of the future will be rewarded for their commitment to sustainable development and social practices, and as such, they must behave as good corporate citizens in everything that they do. CSR values must be incorporated into recruitment and reward systems, because there¡¯s nothing like the prospect of a bonus to change employees¡¯ behaviour.

Recruitment has a critical impact on the performance and future success of any organisation. With increasingly fierce competition for the best candidates, and the proliferation of (sometimes dubious) qualifications amongst candidates, values and sustainability can help to attract and retain the very best.

A successful recruitment and selection strategy must consider CSR values in order to remain one step ahead of the game. Successful brands, therefore, not only need to be successful in the commercial market, but also in the recruitment process.

World Bank ups ’07 China growth forecast

By Zheng Lifei (China Daily)
Updated: 2006-11-15 08:53

The World Bank yesterday raised its growth forecast for the Chinese economy next year, citing favourable domestic macroeconomic prospects.
The Washington-based bank expects China to register a 9.6 per cent growth in its gross domestic product (GDP) in 2007, up from its previous forecast of 9.3 per cent made in August, the bank said in its latest quarterly China Economic Report released yesterday.

The bank’s growth forecast for the Chinese economy this year remained unchanged at 10.4 per cent.

The Chinese economy expanded 10.4 per cent in the third quarter, down from a decade-high 11.3 per cent recorded in the second quarter.

“Prospects for the Chinese economy remain robust,” the bank said.

“Looking ahead, underlying domestic economic conditions remain favourable to rapid growth,” it said, pointing to 30 per cent annual corporate profit growth, ample liquidity in the banking system and robust enterprise investment growth.

Although the government’s macroeconomic control measures to slow down investment growth have already had a significant impact, government-led investment in “bottleneck” infrastructure such as transport and energy is likely to remain buoyant, the lender said.

The bank noted domestic consumption “should continue to benefit from rising incomes, particularly in urban areas.”

In addition, the external environment, where prospects for a soft landing of the world economy remain good, is also favourable for the Chinese economy in the next year.

China’s retail sales surge 14.3% in October

BEIJING — China’s retail sales surged 14.3 percent from the previous year to 699.8 billion yuan in October, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said on Tuesday.

The retail sales of oil and oil products registered the highest growth of 32.7 percent, with that of construction and decoration materials second with 30.4 percent. Retail sales of home electrical appliances increased by 25.8 percent.

The NBS said retail sales had been on the increase ever since the beginning of the year.

The growth of retail sales for the first half of the year was 13.3 percent. It rose to 13.7 percent in July, 13.8 percent in August and 13.9 percent in September.

The retail sales for the first 10 months stood at 6.2089 trillion yuan, up 13.6 percent on the previous year.

Although the growth of retail sales has risen, analysts said it was still far behind the growth of investment. The country’s fixed assets investment shot up by 27.3 percent in the first three quarters.

This means China still has a long way to go if it wants consumption to replace investment as the main engine of its economic growth, the analysts said.

Candidate Bill of Rights

how to treat candidates and working professionals. We call it respect or graciousness. Accolo gets right to the heart of the matter by providing a Candidate Bill of Rights at their website. This is a good thing.


Individuals are entitled to the security and confidentiality of their personal and professional background and data. Any decision to make that data available to others must be at the specific request of the individual.


All advertised positions must be verifiably open and available to job-seekers, with the intent of the hiring organization to make any and all efforts to fill the open position.


The description of an open position should accurately and specifically identify the unique attributes of that position as they relate to the Hiring Manager, organization, geography, work group, work to be completed, and performance measurement criteria.


All interested candidates, from all available sources, should be considered for an open position based upon their ability and aptitude, and that consideration should be free from racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice and intolerance.


Hiring decisions will be made based upon on a set of specific and defined criteria that is relevant to the position, consistent across all candidates and applied objectively.

Follow Up

All applicants are entitled to consistent communications regarding the status of their candidacy, regardless of the outcome of their application.


Each individual should expect that they will be provided with all relevant information about the organization and hiring manager in order to best prepare them for success during the interview process.


Scheduling of interviews will occur in a manner that connotes respect for the candidate, their time and their efforts.


Every inquiry regarding the status of candidacy or application is worthy of a response.


All applicants will be provided with the necessary information about the company, hiring manager, compensation, performance expectations, etc. in order to make an informed career decision.

Exploring the Job Candidate Bill of Rights

What a long, strange trip it¡¯s been. OK, maybe not that strange, but over the last several weeks we have broken down the Job Candidate Bill of Rights created by Accolo¡¯s John Younger. We¡¯ve covered everything from confidentiality to communication, and now we have arrived at the end. Number 10 on John¡¯s list is ¡°information,¡± something that candidates feel they¡¯re just not getting enough of:


All applicants will be provided with the necessary information about the company, hiring manager, compensation, performance expectations, etc. in order to make an informed career decision.

Information, or the lack thereof, is such an important topic to job candidates that The Wall Street Journal actually included it twice in their bill of rights:

¡°5. I want to know the details. Companies that provide details about their benefit plans get my attention. They can easily explain the basics on their website with a PDF, instead of a brief, meaningless overview that does me no good.

¡°6. I want to learn about you. ¡°Day in the life¡± profiles help me see myself in an organization.¡±

For some job boards, a lack of information isn¡¯t the real problem. Instead, it¡¯s the lack of usable information. These boards are filled with countless details, but none of them really give the candidate a better understanding of the job, the company, the work environment, or anything else:

¡°For the job seeker, the problem is the same: when they look on giant job boards they see a bunch of undifferentiated jobs, often posted by clueless headhunters that provide all kinds of information you don¡¯t need (¡±A leading provider of whatever¡±) and none of the information you do need (what¡¯s the name of the company? Do they make nuclear bombs? Will they give me a private office and a big monitor? Free M&Ms? Are they sloppy hacks or quality hackers? Can I use Ruby on Rails?)¡± (From Joel on Software)

The last ten weeks have given us the chance to see what¡¯s on the minds of most of the job candidates out there. As we see it, there just isn¡¯t a source right now for candidates, recruiters, and hiring managers to effectively connect and communicate. As we¡¯ve said before, change is coming, but it won¡¯t just be for candidates. After all, there are things that recruiters and hiring authorities need, and we hope to explore those topics in the future with a comprehensive Bill of Rights for each group.

Project Manager £¨Network/ELV£©

Company Introduction:
A leading vendor-independent IT and communications engineering solutions provider

1.Lead a team of 3-4 engineers/PMs to delivery networking/cabling/security integration projects in Suzhou area
2.Project planning, tracking, execution and closure by referring to project implementation lifecycle defined in the company¡¯s corporate process/procedures
3.Support business development team in presale technical support for project in same nature, draft technical specs/BOM, prepare cost sheet, attend customer meeting etc.

1.Degree Holder
2.Cisco Certified Internet Expert (CCIE)
3.At least 5 years working experience and 2 years at a capacity of project manager or equivalent
4.Familiar with project implementation lifecycle

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese or in English) to: ‘’

Survey: Job Seekers are Stretching the Truth

Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources,

There’s marketing yourself on your r¨¦sum¨¦, and then there’s flat-out lying. Many job seekers are crossing the line.

Although just 5 percent of workers actually admit to fibbing on their r¨¦sum¨¦s, 57 percent of hiring managers say they have caught a lie on a candidate’s application, according to a survey. Of the hiring managers who caught a lie, 93 percent didn’t hire the candidate.

When r¨¦sum¨¦ inconsistencies do surface during background checks, they raise concerns about the candidates’ overall ethics. Forty-three percent of hiring managers say they would automatically dismiss a candidate who fibbed on their r¨¦sum¨¦. The rest say it depends on the candidate and situation.

Stretched dates to cover up employment gaps is the most commonly-caught r¨¦sum¨¦ lie, with nearly one-in-five hiring managers saying they have noticed this on a candidate’s application. Other top r¨¦sum¨¦ lies include:

Past employers (18 percent)

Academic degrees and institutions (16 percent)

Technical skills and certifications (15 percent)

Accomplishments (8 percent)

Reasons for lying range from the innocuous (not being sure of the exact employment dates) to the more sinister (intentionally being deceitful to get the job). To ensure your r¨¦sum¨¦ is accurate but still portrays you in the best light, heed these tips:

If you don’t have much formal experience… Highlight any activities or coursework that could be relevant to the position. Volunteer activities, part-time jobs and class projects can all provide transferable skills and training.

If you didn’t quite finish your degree… Do not indicate on your r¨¦sum¨¦ that you graduated. Instead, name the university and list the years in which you attended.

If you were out of work… Don’t stretch the employment dates to cover the gap. Instead, keep the dates accurate and address the gap in your cover letter. Be sure to mention any classes you took or volunteer work you performed during this time to keep your skills up-to-date.

If your company uses unfamiliar titles… This is one of the only circumstances in which it’s acceptable to change your title to something more recognizable. For example if your title was “primary contact,” and you performed the duties of an administrative assistant, you can clarify your title by writing “Primary Contact/Administrative Assistant.” Giving yourself a promotion to “office manager,” however, crosses the ethical line.

Rosemary Haefner is the Vice President of Human Resources for She is an expert in recruitment trends and tactics, job seeker behavior, workplace issues, employee attitudes and HR initiatives.

Sales Education

Company Introduction:
This company is the leading developer and supplier of software for technical computing and Model-Based Design. Employing more than 1,500 people, The Company was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Natick, Massachusetts, with offices and representatives throughout the world. The company has been profitable every year since its inception and is privately held.

Job Summary
1.Sales Representative position in China Education Sales group. Geographic sales territory consisting of university accounts;
2.Be responsible for developing and managing current account base, increasing revenue results, and product penetration.

1.Be responsible for selling the company’s products and services via telephone and on-site visits. Includes generating and qualifying new prospects, identifying decision makers;
2.Determining customer needs and communicating features and benefits, overcoming customer objections and closing sales;
3.Attempts to cross-sell or up-sell each account;
4.Prepares required sales documentation including detailed and thorough account/territory plans, activity reports and forecasts.

1.3-5 years of sales experience;
2.Prior High Tech or technical software sales or engineering products experience preferred;
3.Strong verbal and written communication skills required (English/Chinese).

BA/BS Degree, knowledge of university markets a plus.

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to: ‘’

Revenue Analylist

Company Introduction:
This company is the leading developer and supplier of software for technical computing and Model-Based Design. Employing more than 1,500 people, The Company was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Natick, Massachusetts, with offices and representatives throughout the world. The company has been profitable every year since its inception and is privately held.

Job Summary
1.This position reports to the Manager of Finance and Operations-China and is the primary facilitator of the company China’s revenue and order management supporting the office¡¯s sales organization;
2.The individual will work directly with the field sales team in coordinating defined processes for orders of Product, maintenance, training and consulting;
3.Their knowledge of software revenue recognition guidelines, internal It’s policies and experience with Chinese billing and invoicing processes will ensure that this process is in support of the company’s worldwide revenue and financial practices;
4.With supportive customer-facing experience, the Revenue Specialist will also support product passcode administration, license administration, assisting in the training center registration, facilitation of the inbound email customer service requests via phone, mail and the web, as well as assist in resolution of customer and order discrepancies related to pricing, purchase order terms, etc.

Order and revenue management inclusive of license compliance, revenue classification to company standards (i.e., Industry, govt., education, etc), discount and pricing reviews:
1)Prepare and generate material for Revenue invoicing;
2)License administration and database updating;
3)Handle Order and billing inquiries;
4)Revenue and order record-keeping and maintenance;
5)Passcode generation and license administration;
6)Inbound email and service request facilitation;
7)Support external customer enquiries via web, post and telephone.

1.Strong English and Chinese (Mandarin) language skills, both oral and written;
2.4+ years prior working experience with high tech company;
3.Prior experience of working with a Sales organization with the ability to review order pricing, terms & conditions, commission coding (splits), and bill to information;
4.Strong order management knowledge including adhering to database and pricing standards, software license configuration and shipping requirements;
5.Understanding of commissions, orders, billing and revenue recognition issues;
6.Very good system skills including use of Order Management programs, ERP, CRM (Siebel, Vantive) and reporting tools. Need to be a “hands on user” and trainer of in-house supported applications;
7.Prior experience handling direct customer inquiries both via phone and email;
8.Ability to type a minimum of 30 WPM;
9.Experience with Microsoft Office;
10.Professional phone manner;
11.Professional and positive Attitude;
12.A willingness to work extended hours at times to coordinate issues with the United States.

College degree required. Accounting/Finance degree preferred.

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to: ‘’

Higher Pay for Holiday Jobs Expected This Year, Survey Finds

— Need a little extra spending money for the holidays? Twenty-three percent of hiring managers say they are recruiting for holiday positions, according to a recent survey. Nearly one-in-four expect to pay their seasonal hires more than last year, with 37 percent offering $10 or more per hour. The survey, “Holiday Jobs,” was completed in September and included 1,150 hiring managers nationwide.
Comparing this year to last, 13 percent of hiring managers plan to add the same amount of seasonal employees while 5 percent plan to hire more.Another 5 percent will add employees, but on a smaller scale than 2005. Of those hiring, 86 percent are likely to treat holiday employment as an extended job interview and offer permanent positions to some seasonal employees.

Twenty-four percent of hiring managers plan to raise hourly wages for seasonal hires compared to last year, while 70 percent expect no change in pay scales. Six percent say the seasonal pay will be lower than last year. One- in-ten hiring managers expect to shell out $16 or more per hour, while 33 percent expect to pay $8 to $9 per hour and 31 expect to pay $7 or less per hour.
So, where can you find a seasonal gig? identified the following hot spots for holiday jobs:

— Retail — stores are in need of extra sales clerks and stockers to
handle peak shopping periods
— Hospitality — hotels and resorts are looking for ski instructors,
restaurant servers and hotel clerks to help out in the busy travel
— Customer Service — companies augment their customer service staff to
handle increased gift orders and returns
— Delivery — package delivery companies hire more drivers and support
staff to handle heavier holiday shipments
— Office Support — businesses need temps to help out with end of the
year wrap-ups and fill in for vacationing workers
“Workers interested in seasonal positions should act fast,” said Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources at”The vast majority of hiring managers are already recruiting for seasonal positions and nearly half are filling their open positions in two weeks or less.”
Haefner offers the following tips for landing seasonal work:
1) Be flexible — 28 percent of hiring managers surveyed say the biggest
turnoff when considering a seasonal job candidate is his/her refusal to
work certain hours
2) Be enthusiastic — a lack of holiday spirit can impair your chances of
getting hired, according to 26 percent of those surveyed
3) Be serious — 19 percent of hiring managers are turned off by
individuals who don’t treat the position as a real job and don’t take the
responsibilities seriously
4) Be smart — a failure to be knowledgeable about the company or product
line is a major pet peeve for 8 percent of hiring managers looking to
fill seasonal positions.

Survey Methodology
This survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of among 1,150 hiring managers, ages 18 and over, within the
United States between August 31 and September 5, 2006. The ‘Employer’
segment was weighted by number of employees to bring them in line with
their actual proportions in the population. The segment was weighted using
propriety algorithms in order to align the online population to be more
representative demographically and behaviorally of the total population of
online and offline employers.
With a pure probability sample of 1,150, one could say with a 95
percent probability, that the overall results have a sampling error of +/-
4 percentage points. Sampling error for data from subsamples would be
higher and would vary. However, that does not take other sources of error
into account. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and
therefore no theoretical sampling error can be calculated.
About is the nation’s largest online job site with more
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