Another six best practice for a Sourcer

Another six best practice for a Sourcer

1) Automated sourcing and candidate mining should be used.. Spiders, bots, search engines etc..
web spiders should be programmed to crawl, retrieve, and upload candidates into the applicant tracking
system based on both current and future needs.
Infogist , Talenthook , AIRS OXYGEN, comes to mind.
I heard of horror stories on someone sitting in the headoffice making the decision on what tools should be used.
Rather have inputs from actual users.

2)Better use of the new recruits. As they are the trusted sources for their ex-colleagues.
Its not about bombarding them with Employee Referral program message rather recruiters should take the
time out (just take them for lunch) and network with them.

3) Companies are doing exit interviews but never follow up. Does your recruiter gets a feedback why the hire left?

4) Ex Employees and contractors (who worked through third parties) who turned the offer down in the past or left the company. These candidates already know the firm, the culture and might be a easier hire.

5) A culture and environment must be created and a strategy in place to source passive candidates. Sourcing should be based on future needs rather than current or immediate needs. . This process must be a constant building of proactive pipelines of passive candidates.

6) Try new methods of sourcing like job networking sites, podcasting, blogs ,bountyjobs , jobster,
virtual recruiting etc. etc. Reach out to niche sites as many allow you to do free promotion for you.