Annual Recruitment Survey will Reveal the State of the Nation

Annual Recruitment Survey will Reveal the State of the Nation

The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) in association with sponsors
Ernst & Young will be unveiling the findings of its Annual Industry Survey at a
breakfast seminar in November.

The event will reveal data on the recruitment industry turnover and also
additional research that will offer new insights into the current state of
recruitment. The latter looks at the key issues facing the industry and examines
current confidence levels and strategies for growth and diversification.

Overviews of the findings and expert views on the major challenges and
opportunities currently facing this dynamic industry will be delivered by
keynote speakers including Brian Wilkinson of Vedior UK.

Commenting on the purpose of the seminar, Roger Tweedy, the REC Director of
Research explained: here is real value in an annual seminar at this time of
year that brings together key metrics and industry experts to assess the state
of the industry. I hope this event will become a key date in recruiter
planning cycles ?

Gordon Cullen, Director at Ernst & Young added: his seminar provides an
excellent opportunity for both Chief Executive Officers and Finance Directors of
the UK top recruitment industries to gain a real understanding into what is
happening within recruiting.

The breakfast seminar is being held at sponsor Ernst &Young More London Place
offices on Friday November 3rd.

For more details about the launch, call Gordon Cullen at Ernst & Young on 020
7951 4611 or