Ammon chemistry and product development (hl030sh)

Ammon chemistry and product development (hl030sh)

1. Job Objective

1Reduce or eliminate woody and sting taste, bitterness and hotness, soften smoke and increase partial aroma; mainly applicable for stem, sheet and such cigarette fillings;

2Improve the aroma and taste of inferior cigarette by utilizing carbohydrate and ammon chemistry;

3Monitor intensity of physical and impingement of nicotine.

2. Job Requirements

1Gender, nationality and age are not limited, university degree or above;

2Have working experience of similar research and application in international tobacco company;

3Have solid foundation of basic theoretical knowledge in chemistry of tobacco, smoke and ammon;

4Capable of being an academic leader of this project and accomplish the job objective effectively.

* Please send us your complete resume (in Chinese and in English) to: ‘'(Please replace “#” with “@”)
* In the email subject please include the position name and job #