Alibaba introduces ‘Smile to Pay’ at CeBit trade fair

Alibaba introduces ‘Smile to Pay’ at CeBit trade fair

Chinese vice premier Ma Kai and German Chancellor Angela Merkel both attended the opening of CeBIT 2015 in Hannover, Germany, the biggest computer and software fair in the world.

One of the leading tech companies in China, Alibaba, is showcasing a new face scan payment technology called “Smile to Pay” at the fair.

Alibaba’s CEO Jack Ma pulled out his phone, bought an old stamp from Hannover on its e-commerce platform, scanned his face with the front camera, and said the item had been purchased and was on the way to the Mayor of Hannover’s office.

He also says forgetting one’s password will no longer be a problem if one uses the new face scan technology, which is currently in beta mode testing.

A spokesperson with Alibaba says Smile To Pay will initially be rolled out in China in the near future but there is no fixed date for an official launch.

The Hannover computer and software fair is open till March 20.