A Sample New-Hire Survey

A Sample New-Hire Survey

One 31-question survey used by Ceridian for its employees. Questions include “How satisfied are you with how the job was described during the interview process compared to what you are actually doing?”

As part of a solution to deal with employee turnover, Ceridian¡¯s HR department saw an opportunity to increase employee satisfaction and retention and improve its staffing processes. The staffing department created a quarterly survey in (below) to help gather information from each new hire regarding their satisfaction of the hiring process, training, impression of manager, and orientation.

We appreciate your feedback on this brief survey to help us understand what we¡¯re doing well, and what we need to improve regarding: the interview process, new hire introduction, new hire training, and job specific satisfaction.

The survey has 34 questions and will take you 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Your answers will be kept completely confidential.

Section 1 – Pre-Employment

1. How were you recruited to Ceridian?
Employee Referral
External Recruitment Agency
Ceridian Staffing Department
Worked for previous customer

2. How satisfied were you with the number of on-site interviews with Ceridian?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

3. If dissatisfied, please tell us how many interviews were conducted: _________

4. How satisfied were you with the organization and scheduling of your interviews?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

5. How satisfied were you with the explanation of Ceridian¡¯s benefit program?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

6. How satisfied were you with the length of time it took from the time you applied to the time you were hired?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

7. During the interview process, did you receive a folder with company information?

8. Overall, how satisfied were you with Ceridian¡¯s interview process?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

Section 2 – New Hire Introduction

9. Do you work virtual (off-site)?

10. How did you receive your “first day” new hire orientation?
Teleconference conducted by Ceridian Human Resources associate
Did not receive ¡®first day¡¯ orientation. If so, skip to question #14

11. How satisfied are you with the first day new hire orientation?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

12. How satisfied were you with the welcome you received from your department?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

13. How satisfied were you with the knowledge and skill of your assigned mentor or co-worker?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

14. How satisfied are you with your manager¡¯s ability to lead and provide direction to you?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

15. How satisfied are you with the necessary tools (i.e. computer, phone, etc.) provided to complete your job?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

16. How satisfied are you with the time it took to receive your benefits package?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

17. How satisfied are you with the benefits automated enrollment process?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Section 3 – Training

18. When you were hired, what percentage of your skills matched those required to perform your job?
100% Match
80% Match
50% Match
20% Match
No Match

19. How satisfied are you with the computer-based new hire orientation training?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

20. How satisfied are you with the flexibility and ease of completing the computer-based new hire orientation training?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

21. How satisfied are you with the job-specific training opportunities provided by the Learning and Development Organization?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

22. How satisfied were you with the assistance of your manager in completing your training?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

23. How satisfied were you with the availability of your mentor or co-worker to assist you in completing your training?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

24. How satisfied are you with the length of time given to complete training during work hours?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Section 4 – Job Specific

25. How satisfied are you with how the job was described during the interview process compared to what you are actually doing?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

26. How satisfied are you with the review of Ceridian¡¯s Performance Management Process with your manager?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

27. How satisfied are you with the review of Ceridian¡¯s goals and objectives explained by your manager?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

28. Considering everything, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with Ceridian at this time?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied

29. Would you recommend Ceridian as a good place to work?
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree

30. What recommendations do you have that would improve the new hire process?

31. Please share any additional feedback or recommendations you may have.