Career Plan In China£º10 New Year Resolutions to Help with your Career

Career Plan In China£º10 New Year Resolutions to Help with your Career

10 New Year Resolutions to Help with your Career

It’s that time of year again when you have to re-evaluate your career.

It’s that time of year again when you have to re-evaluate your career, determine what your next step will be and where you want to go next. So whether your resolution for the upcoming year is to land yourself that killer raise or boldly become the company’s next CEO, here are 10 resolutions vital to furthering your career.

1. Put the extra effort into your work

It’s so easy to fall into the “doing your time” rut of a nine-to-five job. Why not spend those extra hours working late on those projects your boss needs done by the end of the week? This doesn’t mean cramming more work onto your already full plate, but rather taking initiative and doing something extra. The added benefit is that it will make you feel good and proactive, and your boss is likely to notice your hard work.

2. Improve yourself

The New Year is the perfect opportunity to step back and look at what areas you want to brush up on. Don’t allow yourself to fall into a ‘couch potato’ mind-set. Learn a new skill this year that you can add to your CV. Or learn a new language, especially if you wish to take on a new position with an international feel, requiring travelling and socialising with other cultures.

3. Keep on top of what’s going on in your industry

Get a “big picture” view of your industry by subscribing to one or more trade publications. Or resolve to read professional publications or attend conferences or workshops in your field.

4. Network, network, network

This year, learn how to network. Maintain contacts from your past while continually seeking out new, beneficial relationships.

5. People skills

Don’t forget your people skills. If you don’t know how to interview, work with a team or handle your boss, chances are you won’t go far.

6. Update your CV

Doing an annual or biannual touch up of your CV is a great idea. If it’s been a while since you rewrote your CV, you may want to seek professional CV advice.

7. Go for an interview

Although you should be extremely discreet about it, keeping your options open is the best career move you could make – even if it’s just to hone your interview skills and practice your responses.

8. Join a professional association

Join a professional association in your field. It is an excellent addition to your CV!

9. Dream Job

Learn about competitive salary ranges for your dream job. This is especially important if you are about to enter into a job negotiation or are working with recruiters.

10. Work-life balance

Have fun. Looking for a job and boosting your career is hard work. Don’t forget to take time out and enjoy yourself along the way. Make time for friends and family, exercise, hobbies and life. Remember, all work and no play…

And finally, right after getting that annual bonus, insulting your boss at the office party and photocopying your behind, remember to stick to your resolutions this New Year.