Thirty thousand overseas experts to be recruited

Thirty thousand overseas experts to be recruited

The Ministry of Personnel is bringing in some 30,000 overseas specialists next year to address China¡¯s talent shortage in certain sectors. ¡°The governmnt is to introduce 10,000 economic and technical specialists and 20,000 education, health and science specialists in 2007,¡± Zhang Baolin, Minister of Personnel, told Xinhua News Agency in an interview. Zhang said China should further explore international intellectial resources, which has provided strong support to the country¡¯s overall development. China has already recruited a total of 400,000 specialists from overseas, Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and Taiwan.

¡¡¡¡At the same time, China will explore establishing a mechanism to attract Chinese currently overseas to work in the country. The plan also hopes to target foreign talents.

¡¡¡¡The ministry is preparing for the fifth round of job recruitments in Beijing slated for April 21, 2007. For more information, contact.