Recruitment Strategies

Recruitment Strategies

The values, or even purpose, of developing recruitment strategies generally are misunderstood within companies. It is important to build a recruiting strategy with the following questions in mind:

1) What kind(s) of candidate skills do we need?

2) When do we need them?

3) What is our corporate culture?

4) What are our recruitment processes? (employee requisition approval, marketing, sourcing, selection, reference, sales/offer, new employee orientation).

5) When did we last examine our recruitment strategies? As time passes, recruitment needs change and the methods of recruitment change (most recent major impact – the Internet). Can we do better than we have up until now?

6) What is preventing our success at attracting the top 10% of candidates?

7) Can we achieve our goals utilizing corporate staff? Or do we need outside temporary professional recruitment assistance? If we need outside help, what kind is most beneficial to this situation?

8) What is our budget for recruitment?

We address these questions in this area. Remember, recruitment is not magic. The top recruiting staffs do the fundamentals well. A strong, yet flexible recruitment strategy is the basis of the fundamentals of recruiting and delivering the best candidates.

As a contract recruitment firm, The Humbert Group assesses your current recruitment strategy and assesses your staff. We will be happy to either tweak your current recruitment strategy or help your company develop a new one. Additionally, we consult with you on the best way to upgrade your staff.