China to be the biggest energy producer

China to be the biggest energy producer

¨C China is working hard to improve its energy efficiency, and it is planning to expand the energy market scale to 10 trillion yuan before 2020. It is estimated that China will overtake USA in 2 years to become the biggest energy producer in the world.

Though China is well on the way to developing more energy resources, and the country does have a great potential in this field, it will still be wise for it to use energy in a sustainable way.

Besides fossil energy development, great achievements have also been made in developing clean energies like windpower, hydropower and solarpower.

Environmental protection will pose a great challenge, too, as even rapid growth of energy industry in the country should never harm eco-environment.

China will stick to the open-market policy in the future, which will bring mutual benefit to both China and the world.

Currently, a law on renewable energies is under being in preparation, and specific regulations on the development of clean energies will be made, too, to ensure energy security.