Hollywood to conquer Chinese home video market

Hollywood to conquer Chinese home video market

Chinanews, Beijing, November 3 ¨C After its huge success in hitting box offices in China, Hollywood is ready to take Chinese home video market too.

Now Hollywood is working hard to release more DVDs in China. Currently at least 8,000 DVD shops have been set up in the country, and the number is likely to grow to 10,000 before 2007.

China¡¯s successful campaign against piracy has drawn Hollywood¡¯s attention and put its confidence back. Furthermore, the huge market needs for movies must be met after the eradication of pirated ones, thus it is a golden opportunity for copyrighted works to take their shares at reasonable prices.

Fortunately, Hollywood is determined to sell their DVDs at prices based on the consumption level in China, from 15 to 25 yuan.