

Company Introduction:
An European furniture Company, top in the industry (employee more than1300)

1.Responsible for the purchase of the raw materials, relatively at the market Chinese, through the phases of market research, dealing, definition of the price and of the contractual conditions and monitoring of the delivery, predisposing the opportune ones reports for the control of balance-sheet.
2.Assures, online with the indications of his own Responsible, the realization of deepened market researches (finding technical information, trades, of performance, etc) to the aim to identify the suppliers, relatively to coming from materials from China (-a- item standard; – b- of new fabrication on the base of the demands advanced from R&D), in possession of requirement of quality and price online with the business requirements
3.Assures, on the base of the standards defined from the just Responsible one, the deepened analysis of the productive ability to the suppliers, is in qualitative terms and quantitative, to the aim to assign to every supplier perfectly realizable orders and to the smaller costs for the Group.
4.Support his own Responsible in the definition of the price of the acquired raw materials, preparing the comparisons of the useful offered ones for the final dealing, to the aim to obtain prices and quality of the favourable products in relation to the particular business requirements and the total strategy of the Company
5.Assures the statistics and predisposition reports finalizes you to the continuous monitoring of the costs supported for the supplies. It assures the own participation to the program of qualification and supplying certification of the suppliers park, guaranteeing the respect of the standards qualitative you and quantitative to you defined in collaboration with the other actors of the team and according to the business procedures. Verification the level of “ethical”of the supplier, in observance of the rules of Social Responsibility and Acclimatizes them. It second assures the subscription of supply contracts the directives received from the just responsible one.

1.Bachelor degree or above
2.Good command of Italian.
3.2 years working experience or above
4.Working experience in purchasing is preferred

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to: ‘’