Small &Medium enterprises contribute to 58.5% of China’s GDP

Small &Medium enterprises contribute to 58.5% of China’s GDP

Chinanews, Shanghai, Oct. 25 – China has over 40 million small and medium enterprises, which account for 99.6% of the total number of enterprises in China. The products they manufacture and the service they provide account for 58.5% of the country¡¯s GDP, the Shanghai Securities Journal reported.

President of the China Small and Medium Enterprises International Association Zheng Silin says that at present, Chinese small and medium enterprises are at the important historical moment of carrying out international cooperation with their counterparts around the world.

According to Zheng, the sales volume of the small and medium enterprises in China accounts for 59% of the total sales volume in society. In addition, the small and medium enterprises have created 75% of the job opportunities in China¡¯s urban areas. These enterprises, as it were, have played an increasingly important role in the national economy.

On one occasion, Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai said that at present, Chinese small and medium enterprises have contributed to about 60% of the country¡¯s GDP. They have created 70% of the job opportunities and accounted for 70% of the country¡¯s export volume. The small and medium enterprises have already become the source of economic vitality in China and an important link in the global industrial chain, said the minister.