Apple’s China Unit Hiring Across Environmental Affairs, Security, Retail

Apple’s China Unit Hiring Across Environmental Affairs, Security, Retail

Apple is reported to be hiring over 200 people in China and the hiring will be across environmental affairs, security and in its retail segment.

On its LinkedIn page for China the iDevice giant is ramping up its employee base, writes Wall Street Journal’s Digits Blog. In past few years the iPhone and iPad maker has been hit hard. Environmental activists have filed complaints frequently claiming its China-based manufacturing facility harms the environment. Foxconn is the largest manufacturing partner of Apple in the country and has suffered such complaints too.

Apple has lately come forward in improving the environmental-friendliness at its manufacturing partners including Foxconn and has regularly updated them of the efforts taken in those areas.

Digits blog writes further the environmental affairs program manager of Apple would be working out in Beijing to “ensure that Apple’s products and processes meet and surpass regional and national environmental regulatory requirements.”

The iDevice giant wants to recruit reliable and perfect employees in those positions to the earliest. About the other disciplines there are no words from either Apple or its manufacturing partners as of now.