Scant jobs for record number of Chinese graduates

Scant jobs for record number of Chinese graduates

A record number of graduates will come out of China’s colleges and universities this year, but many will rue the timing of their entry onto the job market as recruitment is slowing nationally, reports news agency UPI Asia.

At 6.99m, the number of grads is up 2.8% from 2012, but UPI says that the number of jobs for new hires has decreased around 15% year-on-year. However, China continues to recruit strongly at managerial and professional level.

One problem noted is that many new graduates prefer to work in the civil services, public institutions or state-run companies, rather than in smaller and medium-sized companies, with such firms reporting difficulties attracting these grads.

There is a parallel between this and the UK, where a recent survey of British university graduates selected the NHS as graduate employer of choice, with the BBC, the Civil Service and the United Nations also featuring in the top 10.

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